Reasons He Cheats

You’ve heard the expression once a cheater always a cheater, but sometimes even when you have caught your guy cheating, you feel like you want to give him another chance. Sometimes this can be a good idea, and sometimes it can be a very, very bad one. Only you (and your guy) can ultimately make the decision to try and save a relationship. Below are five reasons a guy cheats, and whether or not the relationship can (should?) be saved.

Reason Number One He Cheats – He’s a Jerk 
May also be titled Because he can or To see if he can get away with it. Let’s face it, some guys are just jerks and your guy may be one of them. Perhaps you were blinded by his looks/personality/sense of humor when you first met him, but now the bloom is off the rose and you see him for the jerk he is. This is a situation when it is time to move on. A guy who cheats just because he can (or thinks he won’t get caught) is not worth your time.

Reason Number Two He Cheats – He’s Moved on Emotionally (As well as physically.)
Sometimes a guy moves on and doesn’t have the guts to tell his lady about it. Perhaps the two of you don’t have as much in common as you thought. Maybe you have different goals, beliefs, work ethics, whatever.  The relationship is just not satisfying to him anymore, and instead of doing what is right and breaking up, he simply cheats. If he has moved on emotionally and physically and is cheating on you, you should move on as well.

Reason Number Three He Cheats – Because You Cheated On Him. (Payback’s a bitch.)
This is a harder situation to handle, because even though two wrongs don’t make a right, you did cheat first. However, guys can make a, shall we say, interesting leap when it comes to retaliatory cheating. Some guys consider flirting, texting, and other (somewhat) innocent behavior as cheating, and will retaliate with physical cheating no matter how unphysical the woman’s cheating was. In other words, he was looking for a reason to cheat. This relationship is probably too unhealthy to save, but if you feel that he is honestly (ha) committed to you and deserves another chance, you may be able to work this relationship out.

Reason Number Four He Cheats “ He Has Low Self Esteem 
Some guys cheat because they need the self esteem boost. He may find it exciting to cheat, something that gives him an ego boost. A new woman, any woman, wanting him, flirting with him, finding him attractive, may give him the ego-stroke that he desperately needs, something he doesn’t get from a healthy relationship. Can this relationship be saved? It depends on whether he can find a healthier way to improve his self esteem (one that doesn’t require condoms) and whether you have the desire to be with him through this transition.

Reason Number Five He Cheats – Too Much Fighting  
If you and your guy are constantly fighting, bitching, criticizing each other, your guy may have cheated just to be with someone who seems to like him. Not that this reason excuses cheating, but this may be a relationship that can be saved. If the two of you are willing to take an honest look at what is happening between you, and maybe even get professional counseling, you may be able to work things out.  

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Tags: another chance, arguing, boyfriend, cheat, cheater, end relationship, fighting, Love, low self esteem, save relationship, trust

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  1. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Oh, c’mon….it’s not cheating… it’s having “coffee” at a “friend’s” house….at 2 a.m. …in his underwear.
  2. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Oh, c’mon….it’s not cheating… it’s having “coffee” at a “friend’s” house….at 2 a.m. …in his underwear.
  3. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    He cheats cause he’s a jerk. That’s why. Not because you yelled at him.
  4. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    He cheats cause he’s a jerk. That’s why. Not because you yelled at him.

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