Got a Sweet Tooth? Curb Your Sugar Cravings

If you have that cursed sweet tooth that has you having ˜just one more’, there are some things you can do to still get your daily sugary goodness and keep your calories down

Blend & enjoy. Instead of reaching for the over-processed, high fructose candy, go for the real thing! Fruits like strawberries, raspberries and pineapple have more than enough sugar to give you what you crave. One cup of diced pineapple has 74 calories, 2 grams of fat, 14 grams of sugar and a whopping 94% vitamin C value! That is a small addition to your daily caloric intake for such a deliciously sweet natural antioxidant. 

So go for it! Get some diced pineapple, fresh strawberries and raspberries, one large banana and throw them all in a blender. Add yoghurt and honey to your liking, add some juice for easier blending, a little ice and away you go. You will satisfy your craving and know that you are doing your body good at the same time. Even if you don’t always have fresh fruit around, frozen fruit works just as well. You may even find a better selection of fruits, with mango and papaya tropical combinations as well as mixed bags of frozen berries that contain helpful antioxidants. 

Dried & true. Dried fruits are just as good as the real thing. They are even sweeter after the dehydration process when all the water is removed. If you are in a rush and can’t stop to wash, cut and prepare fresh fruit, grab some dried cranberries, raisins or banana chips and snack on those when your sugar alarm goes off. Proceed with caution though; some store bought dried fruit have more calories because they have had sugar added to them for better taste. Cranberries in particular are tart to begin with, so manufacturers add a little sugar kick for more taste. 

Moderation, moderation, moderation. When all else fails and you have to give in to your hankering for sweets, remember one word: moderation. Our bodies crave these delectable treats and when we give in, it is sometimes hard to stop. By all means, live a little and enjoy yourself. But, when you can see the bottom of the bag, it is time to stop and walk away¦no matter how hard it is to do. 

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Tags: calories, candy, controlling cravings, Diet, feel healthy, smoothie, sugar content, sweet tooth

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