Megan Fox tops best/worst list

Both a pat on a back and an awkward oh dear . . . are in order for Transformers actress Megan Fox who’s just been named both the Sexiest and Worst Actress of 2009 according to a poll conducted by

Not that these surveys have much merit, but with 2010 and award season nearly upon us, it seems the right time to begin the season of deep thought and reflection.  (You know, when we come together and collectively judge the actors and actresses who aren’t Daniel Day Lewis or Dame Judy Dench.  What?  You do it, too.)

Having consistently been ranked for her looks over her talent (let’s face it “ Transformers and Jennifer’s Body weren’t exactly this year’s District 9 or Inglorious Basterds), I’m sure Fox can take heat when it comes to her inability to convincingly scream in the wake of a futuristic war between robot-alien worlds.   (I mean, would you take it seriously if you were in her position?)

I think we forget that at age 23, Fox has more than enough time to establish herself as a legitimate actress provided she avoids Michael Bay and conventional hot girl roles.  (I mean, Anne Hathaway was pioneering princess roles for years before impressing us with The Devil Wears Prada and Brokeback Mountain.  And she still survived after the God-awful Bride Wars.)

Basically, if Foxy-Fox (oh, the hilarity!) brings the same enthusiasm to film as she did to her stint on SNL (it actually wasn’t that bad), she could blindside critics and audiences alike and join the ranks of now A-list actresses who were once mocked and typecast due to their bad choices and pretty faces.  However, I do recommend a prosthetic nose, a gritty true to life role and the number to Cate Blanchett’s acting coach. 


Until the next Whisper…

Tags: Megan Fox

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