What’s Her Secret: Wellness Virtuoso And Healer Natalie Kehren

As an energy healer and coach, Natalie Kehren helps entrepreneurial women discover what is holding them back, frees them from their limitations, and pushes them to reach their full potential. She brings together her expertise in holistic wellness, spiritual direction, counselling, Reiki, and other techniques, to offer online coaching programs, such as her signature eight-week program, “Healing to Begin: Breaking Through to Rise.” Natalie is also the co-founder of The Wellness Market, a biannual wellness and natural therapy event held in Toronto, happening this spring in May.

Here, she walks us through her career transformation from up-and-coming publicist to leader in the wellness industry, the one New Year’s resolution she thinks we should be making for 2020, and what people can expect from her healing program.

To start, could you briefly walk us through your career path? How did you get where you are today? 
I started my career in PR. I really disliked it even though they offered me a full-time position at the one of the best PR firms in Toronto. This was the moment I decide to go after what I truly wanted. I went back to school to graduate with two major specializations in Certified Natural Health Practitioner and as a Spiritual Director. In my spare time, I received training and certification in Reiki ll and Sacred Womb Circle Creatrix.

I had a private practice in the beginning, yet quickly realized that I could give so much more value if I had less travel time and more focused programs. When I worked with clients consistently for three months, that is when they truly saw transformation. That’s when I created “Healing to Begin: Breaking Through to Rise,” an eight-week program designed to help women unlock their highest potential through entrepreneurship for any modern-day woman in business.

The Wellness Market was, at the time, in the background of all this. My friend and I really wanted to give businesses and practitioners in the wellness industry a place to thrive, be seen, and have the exact demographic engage with them that their products belong to. And to have Toronto wellness lovers come to a show specifically curated to enhance their wellness journey and authentically experience wellness.

Have you always been passionate about holistic wellness? And on that note, how exactly would you define holistic wellness? 
Yes, I’ve always been immersed in holistic wellness and spirituality. I am that person that people come to when they need consoling and a clear perspective. I’ve spent years healing my own body, mind, and soul in order to be the best I can be for everyone that I work with, especially since I decided to begin this career journey. As a young woman, I had very strong psychic abilities that governed the way I operated in life. They become very powerful as I grew up and are deeply immersed in the design of my programs, coaching, and teachings. Everything starts from there.

What is Holistic World all about? What inspired you to found your company? 
Holistic World is all about bringing all of what I do under one roof. It includes guidance, products, events, and one-on-one coaching that allow an individual to live a holistic, intuitive, empowered lifestyle so that they may have the world at their fingertips. I believe that anything is possible when you truly believe in yourself. Everything I produce stems from that belief, so every experience with Holistic World is one where you reach your highest potential in body, mind, soul, and spirit.

Tell us about your eight-week Healing to Begin program. Who can benefit from this program? And what are some of the benefits? 
Healing to Begin: Breaking Through to Rise” is about transformation in a holistic and spiritual way. Any woman who is struggling with finding her authenticity in her business, thinking of starting a business, and or wanting to enhance her current experience is meant to take this program. It is designed to bring you deep transformation without it being too difficult, making the process feel natural and easy. It is designed to be taken by any woman who is ready to live her life the way she desires, empowered by who she is, and expressing her authentic love of her passion every step of the way. The first step to success is believing in yourself, and that is exactly what this program helps women achieve.

Let’s talk more about the annual Wellness Market, which will be happening this spring on May 3, 2020. What can people expect from event? 
People can expect a day to experience wellness! In this show, we are bringing more experiential booths to have wellness practices accessible to you in the best way—actually trying them out! We’ll have our infamous Meditation Station with guided meditations every 15 minutes, our wellness discussion panel featuring some amazing professionals in the industry, and yoga classes throughout the day. One thing that we are introducing to this market is a new venue, which has lots of beautiful nature trails and wilderness all around the vicinity. It’s a great opportunity to join in on wellness activities, immerse yourself in different holistic experiences, and indulge in the healing benefits of nature and a community full of like-minded people.

What are some of your favourite wellness brands that will be participating? 
Some of my favourites are Art of Marina, Lady Flow, VTMN Packs, Lovacado, just to name a few. There are so many amazing brands!

Now, for people who aren’t familiar with terms like reiki or energy healing, could you explain these practices a bit? 
These practices are deeply transformative, as they work on the root of our trauma or pain. They help us make sense of what seems overwhelming. Both of these practices are like getting a physical massage, except it’s mostly hands-free and the physical benefits are the same. You feel lighter, brighter, deeply relaxed, and physical symptoms decrease. What I love most is that they allow you to deepen your healing, ultimately allowing you to move through any trauma faster and more permanently.

Has spirituality always been a part of your approach to healing? 
Yes, because they are one in the same. From a holistic perspective, we believe anything we experience physically is a result of our emotional/mental mindset and that spirituality is the foundation of health and wellbeing. Therefore, emotional/mental mindset is directly linked to our spirit, or our spiritual foundation. When you are able to empower the person in their health journey, successful healing is inevitable.

If you could suggest one goal for women who are brainstorming their 2020 New Years’ Resolutions, what would you say? 
To be comfortable in their authenticity. To start living for themselves and believe in their authentic voice every step of the way.

What are some of the ways that you help women reach their full potential? 
Each week they are given a creative assignment that connects them to a piece of themselves they are new to. The purpose behind the weekly creative assignments is bring them one step closer to their success alignment, empowerment, intuition, and authenticity. Once they access and activate these parts of them, it aligns and empowers their entire being and daily experience.

Tell us about your own experience as an entrepreneur. What lessons have you learned? 
I’ve learned that the most important lesson is to follow your intuition and truth, and to align yourself with that every day. This way, you can have clarity in your decisions, thoughts, words, and actions. This deletes the second-guessing, the self-sabotaging, and the undermining of your value. Oh, and a second, almost close first, is to nevercompare yourself to anyone else. It will always end in you feeling like you’re not enough, which is the opposite feeling that you need to be successful.

Have you encountered any challenges, and if so, how did you overcome them? 
My biggest challenge was sales and selling my programs. This skill never came naturally to me and still doesn’t. To overcome this, I took a course with a coach to help me overcome any fears I had surrounding selling and we developed a way to sell that feels comfortable with my values of who I am. It’s been so helpful!

What is a typical day-in-the-life for you? 
I wake up and have a strict morning routine that fuels my body, mind, and soul. I juice celery, remain very quiet as I sort of my intentions of the day, and then write all my goals down. This is usually accompanied with meditative music in the background, candles, and incense. I alternate between my physical active routine either in the morning or late afternoon, yet I always incorporate a form of exercise into my daily method.

What is your favourite part about your job? 
My favourite part is connecting with such beautiful women and witnessing their transformation from the day we begin to the day we end. It’s such a magical and sacred process to be a part of, and I feel honoured every single day to be able to do what I do.

What’s next for you? 
I am thinking of expanding in different ways. We are expanding The Wellness Market to bi-annual starting in 2020, with our Toronto show in the fall in a much larger venue with a lot more vendors and experiences. To expand Holistic World and Healing to Begin, I am thinking of opening up a small monthly subscription to my meditations, since they are a favourite in the community. I am also looking into speaking at more events to give all the abundant knowledge I receive through my psychic and channeling abilities to larger groups of people. I feel this can be so healing to many on a greater scale.

Tags: top story, topstory, what's her secret?

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