He keeps you a secret from family and/or friends
I have girlfriends that any guy should be proud to say he was dating, and yet these women have never met his friends or his family. Your first thought is perhaps he is married or has another girlfriend, but if you are certain this is not the case, this relationship is probably doomed. If he doesn’t think enough of you to share you with his friends, he doesn’t think enough of you.
Enough said. This goes for cyber-cheating as well. If you catch him flirting by text, e-mail, or Facebook, you need to re-think this guy. Let’s not even discuss if he is receiving (or exchanging!) pictures of certain, um, assets. This is not a good sign for any relationship.
Not making time for you, taking you for granted or putting his friends before you
If you feel like you are an afterthought to him, or if it seems he only has time for you if there is nothing better to do (after his workout/softball game/ night out with the guys), this relationship is going nowhere fast. It’s fine, even healthy, for him (and you) to have outside interests and friends, but a relationship needs time, too. Let him know you need to be number one (or at least number two) and if he doesn’t agree, lose him.
Compares you to former girlfriends/wives
If your new guy is constantly comparing you to his former flames, whether girlfriends or ex-wives, this is a bad sign. He is probably not over this former love and needs some time to recover. You don’t want to be the rebound girl here “ you deserve better. And he certainly doesn’t deserve you.
Treating strangers with disrespect
This may sound a little off but I think this is a great way to see your guy’s true personality. If he treats waitresses or service men or just strangers in general with rudeness and disrespect, you may want to rethink this relationship. You don’t treat people like this, why would you tolerate a man who did? File this relationship under doomed.
No job/has a job but does not support himself financially
If your man is constantly strapped for cash, borrowing money from you and his friends (let’s not even mention his mom, okay?), this relationship is probably doomed. It’s one thing to be bad with money, not being able to balance a checkbook or figure out a tip, but it’s another thing completely to be a grown man and not be financially responsible. You support yourself, don’t you? Your man should do the same. Doomed.
Constant criticism
If your guy is constantly criticizing you, this is no good, ladies. This can be subtle at first, with criticisms being couched as suggestions or helpful comments. But before you know it, you will find that your confidence is undermined and you will begin to doubt everything from the clothes you wear to the movies you enjoy. Don’t tolerate this behavior, just politely break things off and move on to a guy who appreciates how fabulous you really are.
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If you’re taking this personally…DEALBREAKER. Gawd.
If you’re taking this personally…DEALBREAKER. Gawd.