This week, Pink suffered an injury after plunging off stage and straight into a barricade during a performance in Nurnberg, Germany. Despite being rushed to the emergency room on Thursday night, Pink declared that the show must go on and continued her European tour as scheduled on Friday.
Pink was attached to a harness and about to perform “So What” while flying over the audience. Instead of carrying her through the crowd however, the harness snapped and she plunged straight into the fence that sits between the stage at the audience. Fan videos show Pink getting back on stage after cursing “Oh, that hurt like a motherf—-er.” She returned to the stage but the show was cut short when she realized her injuries were a bit worse than she thought.
The singer took to her Twitter page yesterday to apologize to her fans for the mishap. I am so so so sorry to end the show that way. I am embarrassed and very sorry. I’m in [an] ambulance now but I will [be] fine.”
After some tests at the hospital, Pink let everyone know that her injuries were just minor and nothing to worry about. “Nothing’s broken, no fluid in the lungs, just seriously sore,” she tweeted.
And just like the trooper she is, Pink announced that she wouldn’t be missing a single step in her tour. “Full steam ahead people. No pain, no gain. Or is it no brain, no pain? Either way, I will be on that stage, even if I have to crawl.”
This is just one of the many reasons why Pink is one of my favorite artists. She tells it like it is and doesn’t let anything (not even being slammed into a barricade) stand in her way!