Getting off the couch during the winter is only the first step to keeping yourself fit and healthy. The second step is finding the right workout regime for you and one that will keep you motivated. Working out is all about personality and what works for you is probably not going to work for your friends”if it does that’s the added bonus. Whether you’re a cardio girl, a frequent class visitor or a gal who likes to pump iron getting to know your gym is key. Being familiar with different classes and workouts at your local gym will help keep you occupied during the cold winter months ahead.
Let’s face it getting to the gym is hard and if it’s not a regular routine there are other ways to get cardio into your daily regime. If you enjoy the outdoors and don’t mind the cold a brisk walk on your hour lunch can definitely benefit your body. It’ll break up the workday and get your heart rate going”and hey if it’s a beautiful day you get to enjoy the fresh air. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is another way of introducing some light cardio into your day “unless you’re climbing 10 flights of stairs. At the gym the treadmills and elliptical are always moving and we can’t skip over the fact that these machines are probably the most popular. I for one am a big fan of the elliptical and with some heavy hitting songs coming from my IPod an hour goes by fairly quick. If you want a great workout for your heart and body be sure to amp up inclines and speed during a traditional jaunt on the treadmill.
If you’re the type of person who loves the Caribbean beats of salsa music then Zumba is the right class for you. Zumba involves the quick steps of Latin dancing and the high energy of salsa music as it aims to keep your hips moving and your body pumping. Lately it’s been all the rage at the gyms and has caused quite the stir to all the gym aficionados”let me tell you any dancing that can make you sweat this much are good in my books. Partaking in a few classes this workout comes highly recommended and afterwards you feel great. Dancing away 60 minutes has never felt so good and for the rhythmic challenged (like myself) have no fear you’ll get the steps after a few classes”or you can figure out your own makeshift salsa moves.
Yoga has been around for centuries and is known as a soothing workout that is great for your muscles and flexibility. When figuring out what style of yoga is best for you it is probably best to start with Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is slow paced yoga and it provides newbie’s with a good introduction to basic yoga poses. These classes are a great way to teach beginners who are not yet confident in their poses. Ashtanga yoga is a fast paced style and includes a set series of poses that is always performed in each class. This type of yoga is more physically demanding and includes constant movement from pose to pose. Often referred to as power yoga because of its intense nature these classes are great once you’ve perfected your poses. These classes often keep a fast pace and flow from pose to pose ensuring a great work out. Birkham also known as Hot Yoga is usually practice in a 35-40 degree room which helps your muscles relax and your body sweat”don’t plan on going anywhere but a shower after this class! This method is a great way to cleanse your body since you’re sweating a great deal and is an amazing way to burn calories. If you’re not into the heat these classes can be very challenging as the temperature is so high some people find it hard to finish an entire class.
Spinning is not for the faint of heart! Two things are necessary to take on these classes, 1 a great padding for the seat and 2 high endurance for pain! Ok maybe not pain but a strong focus on a workout is definitely key”since this is a strenuous routine. Spinning classes are a great way to factor in a high impact workout into your week and while they burn calories they definitely get your legs into shape (when its time to unveil in the summer you’ll be happy with the results. Although spinning is naturally a more intense workout many gyms offer different levels for beginners and this makes for an easier transition. If you’re a regular bike rider these classes are great way to keep in shape during the winter months when snow makes outdoor riding impossible. A good thing to know is that you’re in complete control of your bike during the classes as you get to choose resistance levels to keep pedaling easy or more difficult. Keeping this in mind pushing yourself throughout the workout is a great way to keep motivated and will help you come to more classes. The first class will be hard but after 3 or 4 classes your body and mind will be craving more.
Specific Classes
Every gym offers different strength training classes that incorporate aerobic movement. GoodLife Fitness for example has numerous classes the take cardio and weights and tosses them into one great hour workout. If you’re down on time and like to get everything done as fast as possible these classes are for you. They offer several classes with cardio, endurance and strength training and it’s just a matter of finding which one suits you. BodyAttack is a sports-inspired cardio work out that focuses on building strength and stamina. This class lasts for 55 minutes and combines a powerful playlist to keep you in the workout mood. This class is perfect for anyone with no prior training to a hard-core athlete. Other classes include BodyPump a weight training class, BodyStep that combines step routines with cardio. When it comes to finding a class try out as many as you like to see which one works best. Several classes are offered on different nights so incorporating two or three different ones will ensure your workout routine doesn’t bore you easily.