Father’s Day falls at one of the best times of year, the summer. The weather is hot and sunny and the days are long – perfect for patio suppers in celebration of dads everywhere.
This year, no matter where you’re celebrating, give your toast dad with a super summer beverage.
If your dad likes beer:
Most guys have a go-to favourite beer but for a special occasion, we think that’s boring! Liven up the party by bringing something other than Dad’s usual 24-pack. Innis & Gunn, which is available in most provinces, comes out with special edition flavours every season. For Father’s Day this year, pick up the “Canadian Cherrywood Finish,” a mature, dark and flavourful brew. Or, try the company’s seasonal mixed pack, so there’s a variety to try.
Ginger beers, such as Melville’s or Crabbie's Ginger Beer, offer a spicy taste that is perfect for a hot summer day. The same goes for Radler beers, which have a mild grapefruit taste (and tend to be lighter in alcohol content). Just don’t get too fruity if that’s not Dad’s thing – remember it’s his day, not yours!
If your dad likes wine:
If you’re not a wine drinker, trying to pick a bottle for someone who is can be a real challenge. There are so many options and how do you know what your Dad will like? We suggest a little pre- Father’s Day sleuthing. Make note of what he’s drinking, then find the same type of wine from a different winery. Try local wines he may not have picked up on his own or go with the tried-and-true food pairing – choose a wine based on what you’re eating. What’s the worst that can happen? You move on to the next bottle.
For something a little extra special, mix up a pitcher of sangria – red or white, depending on Dad’s wine preference. Mix heavier juices and more powerful-flavoured fruit with red wine and use lighter, more citrusy fruits with white wine.
If your dad likes cider:
We grow lots of apples across Canada, so it’s no surprise some growers also make hard apple ciders. Look for Canadian brands like Alexander Keith’s and Molson Canadian across the country, or check your local stores for producers closer to you, such as Thornbury Premium Apple Cider in Ontario or Left Field Cider Co. in British Columbia. Pick up a selection of different brands and flavours and compare and contrast with dad. Cider on ice is ridiculously refreshing on sweltering hot summer days!
If your dad likes spirits:
It’s cocktail time! Pick up a bottle of your dad’s favourite booze and then come up with 3 to 4 different recipes you can use it in, hopefully something he hasn’t tried before. Vodka and rum are our two favourites for their versatility (clueless which to choose? Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum is the bestselling rum in Canada; Luksusowa is the world’s bestselling potato vodka). They pair with fruity blends, colas, and can both be enjoyed on the rocks. If you can, incorporate fresh herbs into different cocktails, like mint into a mojito or basil into a nice garden-fresh twist on that classic Canadian drink, the Caesar.
If your dad likes alcohol-free drinks:
Bust out your blender! Mocktail versions of any of the above spirits-based drinks are palette pleasers even without the alcohol. Combine in-season fruit, lots of ice and a squeeze of lemon juice for an instant satisfying slushy. Alternatively, try pitchers of homemade iced tea or fresh-squeezed lemonade. It’s worth the effort for Father’s Day!