Beach Body Workout

Just because you are on a holiday doesn’t mean your workout routine is on break. Take advantage of the fact that you don’t have any deadlines this week and make your own. The best time to work out is in the morning before the air gets too warm or just after sun down when there is a gentle breeze in the air. Trust me, exercising during sunbathing hours may seem like a good “tan and train” idea but the heat will catch up with you.

Here are five summer-body exercises that you can do while on the beach. Make sure you are always aware of your form and have fun.


Spider Climbers (10 Reps)

Get into Plank position. Lift your right foot and bend your knee in to your right elbow. Make sure to keep your hips even and facing down. Place your right foot back down and then repeat with your left foot. That is one rep.

Squats (10 Reps)

Position your feet about hip distance apart. Bending from your hip, lower your butt down until your thighs are parallel with the floor and then bring your self back up to standing. That is one rep. *Tip: take your squats slower and really feel the workout on your way down as well as on your way back up.

Squats on the beach

Walk the Plank (10 Reps)

Get into Plank Position. Walk your right elbow down to where your right hand was then followed by your left elbow. Walk your right hand up to where you started then followed by your left hand. This is one rep. Remember to switch your starting hands.

Hip Raises (10 Reps)

Lie face-up on the ground/board with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground/board. Squeeze your glutes and press into your heels to raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position. That's one rep.

hip raises

Modified Tricep Push Up (10 Reps)

Get into modified Plank Position with your knees on the ground/board. Position your hands directly below your shoulders. Lower your chest down as close to the ground/board as possible meanwhile keeping your elbows tucked close to your sides. Push yourself back up until your arms are straight. That’s one rep. *Tip: Keep your arms tucked next to your body to really maximize this workout.

Tricep Push-up

Bonus Exercise: Side Plank Hold (30s each side)

If you are up for a challenge lift your body off the ground only using your forearm and feet for support. If you really want to increase the challenge lift the top leg up and stay as still as possible.


After you complete your first round. Run a few drills along the shore for 3-5 minutes and then repeat the routine again. Perform this routine three times and then finish with a relaxing swim in the ocean. Best workout of your life!

Read more: Lara's Beyonce Booty Workout!

Tags: beach body, bikini body, exercises, Fitness, Holiday, on the beach, squats, travel, workout

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