5 Ways To Sneak In Exercise

Multitask your way to a fitter body with these sneaky yet effective ways to make exercise work with your schedule.

Take the stairs

Work on the tenth floor? Take the stairs in the morning, at lunchtime and after work. You’ll log a lot of stair time, and get re-energized for work (or dinner planning, depending on which direction you’re headed). If climbing that many floors seems daunting, start with one floor per week and work your way up as time goes on. Need motivation? Convince a colleague to join in (or just check out your new-and-improved butt).

Stretch at your desk

With all those stairs, you’ll need to get in a good stretch. A perfectly easy stretch can be done at your desk to target the glutes: while seated, bend your right leg and place the ankle over your left knee. When you feel a nice, light stretch, from your outer right thigh to your bum, hold for one minute and then repeat with the other leg.

Turn dates into activities

Instead of meeting your girlfriends for coffee, meet for a weekly fitness date. That way, you can get your socializing and workouts done at the same time. Same goes for romantic dates: instead of catching a movie, try rock climbing or another activity you’ll both enjoy. The adrenaline of experiencing something new and physical together will intensify your bond “ and your passion.

Record your favourite TV shows

Convinced you don’t have enough time to fit in an hour-long workout? Think again. If you clear an hour to watch your favourite tv show, use that time to get in a good workout. Invest in a PVR and watch your favourite shows when it’s convenient for you ” knowing that you’ve earned it.

Bike to work

Cycling to work is just as good for your heart and your legs as it is for your wallet. Dress as you would for work, just wear a sports bra and t-shirt on top and pack deodorant, a fresh shirt and bra to change into once you get there. And don’t worry about juggling everything “ a bike bag or a cute wicker basket can hold all of your necessities.

Have sex

There’s all sorts of benefits of sex, including the fact that one steamy session burns up to 300 calories, sends feel-good endorphins firing in the brain and tones and relaxes the body all at once.

What’s your sneaky fitness secret? Please share with us!



Tags: bike, Exercise, Fitness, Health, sex, stretching, Weight Loss

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  1. Avatar
    • Erica Scime
    • January 1, 1970
    I’m always trying to find little ways to fit fitness into my day-to-day life whether that means parking half a mile away from the grocery store or doing squats and sit-ups as I watch TV. Great article!
  2. Avatar
    • Erica Scime
    • January 1, 1970
    I’m always trying to find little ways to fit fitness into my day-to-day life whether that means parking half a mile away from the grocery store or doing squats and sit-ups as I watch TV. Great article!

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