Remember those days when the two of you couldn’t get enough of each other? When you were more in love than Heidi and Spencer? Beyonce and Jay-Z? Jesse James and Sandra Bullock (um, maybe not!).
Or can you even remember those days? If you think the romance between you and your guy has dwindled, take a look at these romance killers and see if any of them are to blame. You can kiss romance goodbye with these mistakes.
Do you immediately change into sweats and a long t-shirt when you get home? Do you spend more time in the bath than you do asking your guy about his day? Things like this scream laziness can really kill any romantic feelings that might be brewing. Reignite the passion by making an effort with things like your appearance and communication. Being familiar isn’t a bad thing, it can even indicate a high level of intimacy, but if you’re looking for romance, look beyond the sweats.
With any relationship it’s important to choose your battles. If the two of you are squabbling about little things like who forgot to pick up the Chinese or who didn’t return whose text, you’ll wind up wearing one another down. As a result, when you do have a moment to spend with each other, you won’t want to spend it doing romantic things. Try not to nitpick, and give each other space instead of getting argumentative. They say make love not war, after all.
Unhealthy habits
I mean this one literally. If one of you (or both of you) has taken to eating a lot of junk or takeout food, skipping the gym, drinking too much, or other unhealthy behaviors, this is bound to kill the romance in your relationship. For one, it lowers energy which in turn lowers your libido. This also causes insomnia, which can lead to irritability etc. Taking time to care for your health is as important to your relationship as it is to you, so add some romance by making date night something active like a bike ride at dusk, or a walk. Or you know, other…stuff.
The Ex Factor
There’s a time and a place to discuss your romantic history; over a candle-lit dinner isn’t it. Discussing exes in peak romantic moments only makes your guy think you’re not over them. Nobody wants to sit before a fire, sipping champagne discussing why your ex dumped you.
If you have friends or sisters who engage in behavior like this, and it makes you crazy, why would you do it to your guy? If he has to spend long hours consoling you over every little thing, he’ll be too drained to even think about bringing you a dozen roses or taking you on a romantic cruise. In fact, after a while the only thing he’ll think longingly of is getting away from you and all your drama. If you can’t break a fingernail without pitching an Oscar-worthy fit, don’t be surprised when he doesn’t offer to take you out for a nice dinner afterwards!
The Top Five Romance Killers – Ladies, it’s ALL YOUR FAULT
The Top Five Romance Killers – Ladies, it’s ALL YOUR FAULT