How Warm Weather Can Make Your Relationship Stronger

There’s no denying that excess sun exposure is tough on our skin, but that’s not to say it’s hard on all aspects of our life. Warm weather can strengthen our bond with our lover, and make our relationship shine too.  The reason? Exposure to heat increases energy levels and can lower stress at the same rate. Talk about a steamy solution. Here’s how the sun-drenched weather can make our love life a whole lot easier:

Energy Level Boost
It doesn’t take a biology expert to tell you that sun delivers heat.  But it’s the effects of these beaming rays that matter most. When our core body temp rises, our cell function increases, which generates more energy. I think we can all admit that we are increasingly lazy during the winter. One peek outside, and suddenly we’d prefer be under house arrest. Am I right? So now that you and your beau are feeling perkier“ revel in your relationship.  Relish the sun by going on a bike ride or a run outside together.

Less Stress
When the weather is in dismal shades of grey, we become pretty gloomy ourselves.  Some feel like they can’t get motivated (see ˜energy level’ above), creating an outbreak of stress, which spreads like a pesky bug throughout the rest of our day. Does the term Seasonal Defective Disorder (SAD) ring a bell? That’s when the amount of sunlight outside affects one’s mood.  People become depressed when the days are shorter “ and for good reason! Once summer hits, the disorder vanishes as suddenly as the cold. Hallelujah. So gleam as bright as the sun, and don’t get stressed over the little things in life. Just think: at least the weather’s on our side.

Feel More Confident
Remember in middle school when we were taught that plants photosynthesize nutrients from the sun? Our bodies do something similar. We know what you’re thinking: bathing in the sun can actually have health benefits? Not so fast. Energy is derived primarily from UVB rays, which aids our body in producing vitamin D. Here’s our tip: don’t shield yourself from the sun, but don’t be naé¯ve about it either. It’s only safe in moderation. We all know the sun can be more damaging than valuable if we take advantage (no one wants to look 60 on their 30th birthday.) Once you feel brighter and healthier, your relationship will benefit too.

Increased Mood
With all of the benefits mentioned above, it comes as no surprise that our moods also rise.  While the sun isn’t as magical as a lot of us wish it were (can’t go on expecting miracles now), sunshine has a strong correlation with beaming faces. So if you want to utilize the sunny weather to assist your relationship, don’t take those rays for granted. When everything else in life feels like it’s plotting against you, step outdoors with your squeeze, and give yourself a minute to put things in perspective.

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Tags: energy, heat, love life, Skin, Stress, sun exposure, sunlight., sunny, warm weather, weather

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    • Brittany Devenyi
    • January 1, 1970
    Hi Lindsey,
    Thanks for the comment. If you reference my story, you can accredit it to
    – Brittany 
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    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Hey Brittany,
    I was wondering where you found this information from? Or if you came up with this yourself. I’m doing a similar story and wanted to quote parts of your article, so I didn’t know if I should attribute you or the website. Let me know! -Lindsey
  3. Avatar
    • Brittany Devenyi
    • January 1, 1970
    Hi Lindsey,
    Thanks for the comment. If you reference my story, you can accredit it to
    – Brittany 
  4. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Hey Brittany,
    I was wondering where you found this information from? Or if you came up with this yourself. I’m doing a similar story and wanted to quote parts of your article, so I didn’t know if I should attribute you or the website. Let me know! -Lindsey

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