Let’s be serious here, ladies. Raise a hand if you didn’t spend the entire winter sitting on your butt watching reruns of the The Big Bang Theory and eating ice cream straight out of the carton. Okay, maybe that was a little extremely cliché© but guess what? Winter is finally over and now is the time to get out of the house and start getting active again! And what better way to do it then with a hot date, right? Here are four great get-fit ideas that are way more enjoyable with a partner…
Rock climbing
When it comes to physical activities that were made for two, rock climbing practically tops the list. Not only is an awesome, all-over workout, but it is also a great way to built trust and communication with your date, as it requires you to both be willing to help each other make it from top to bottom with only the help of one another. For beginners, most climbing gyms will offer intro courses that can be completed in one session. Check out The Rock Oasis in the east end of Toronto or Joe Rockhead’s at King & Dufferin.
You know those people who say that yoga isn’t athletic? Those are the people who’ve never done yoga. Sure it’s not the manliest activity you could put your guy through but it is a great way for you both to get refocused and re-energized, together. And you know what? Even if your guy really isn’t into the whole idea, just remind how amazing your butt looks in those yoga pants. How could he resist? Check out Moksha Yoga, who have multiple studios sprinkled across the city and charge just $16 per class.
The perfect activity-driven first date, hiking is a great way to a) get out of the hustle and bustle of the city (without actually leaving the city) and b) get to know someone new in a beautiful atmosphere. Some tips: Avoid peak sun hours in the summer, bring water and a snack, and don’t be afraid to work up a little sweat. For the less experienced, a good place to start is the relatively flat High Park, for those with more experience (or just more guts) try the West Humber Trail.
Driving range
All right, so it’s not the most strenuous of athletic activities, but there is a lot of be said for getting in a guys good book when he’s a golf junkie. Plus who doesn’t like to take out a little frustration every now and then, right? And this is the perfect place for it. Bonus point for him if he takes the lead and snuggles up behind you to help you “work on your swing” *wink wink*. Check out Polson Pier, right on the city docks, their driving range offers 300 yards of unobstructed views that are also some of the prettiest in the city.