Your Summer Activity To-Do List

Now that summer is in full swing and the sun is shining, there are no more excuses to not get out and enjoy yourself while you can. We are all stuck behind desks, or having to deal with annoying co-workers for more time than is recommended for your mental health- so when you’re off work or on the weekend, make the most of it!

Go for a hike with your girlfriends
You are able to grab quick gabs with your friends throughout the work day on IM, through text, or a quick call on your lunch break; but when was the last time you had a really good conversation or laugh with your girls? Lace up and pack lots of water and go for a hike together. You will keep each other company and motivated to keep going, while having great conversation since it is just you and nature!

Attend an outdoor play
More and more cities have outdoor theatre performances during the summer, and it is a truly unique theatre experience. Go with your man, or get a group of friends together. Most places don’t accept reservations, so be sure to arrive early enough to get good seats. Pack blankets, some snacks and drinks, and even a deck of cards to play games while you wait. The outdoor setting adds the perfect backdrop to the play, and you get to spend your evening under the stars while taking in some culture! That sure beats sitting at home on your couch for the fifth night in a row!

Go to a farmer’s market
We know; the grocery story is so convenient, and has everything you need in one spot. But, it’s also part of your routine. Mix it up and head to a farmers market to get some fruits and veggies, fresh cheese and maybe even a treat or two! It is not only a good thing to do to support local produce, but it will get you outside and trying something new. Who knows; maybe you will find your new must-have edible item!

Take an exercise class in the park
Any exercise class is good for your mind and body, but being outdoors is even more beneficial. Yoga is offered in most cities at different locations and parks- especially on the weekend. Be sure to get your beauty sleep, and get up on a Saturday morning and start your day with some meditation and stretching while surrounded by a beautiful lush, green park.

Go on a dinner cruise
Skip your favourite local restaurant for a summer’s night on the water. Dinner cruises do a booming business in cities that are on lakes, oceans, or rivers, and provide a unique dining experience while offering a one-of-a-kind view of the city. Make sure you have your sea legs, get a little gussied up and set sail for the evening.

Get out of the city
We are creatures of habit and most of us take the same routes to work and then home again. The city life has it’s perks, but every once in a while it pays to get away from the honking and crowds, and find a little quiet. Jump in the car and just drive until you feel like you have left the city behind. With a little planning, you and some friends could even visit that quaint, historic town you have heard about and see something new. At any rate, try to disconnect from technology and the busyness that comes with city life, and immerse yourself in nature and the quiet.

Work outside
If you absolutely must put in some extra hours of work in the evening or on the weekend, don’t close yourself in. Your boss isn’t able to breathe down your neck at home, so enjoy yourself. If you have a garden, put on your comfy clothes, pour a glass of vino and get that work done! If you don’t have a backyard, pack yourself a little pic nic for one and find a quiet place at the park. There’s no rule to say your office can’t be the shady grass under the oak tree, or a park bench on a beautiful sunny day!

Tags: being outside, enjoy the weather, exercise outside, friends, mental health, nature, summer activities, summer plans, sunny day, work outside

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