Tricks for Guilt-Free Snacking

There’s a reason why snack time (next to nap time) is every kindergartner’s favourite part of the day. Who wouldn’t love a designated period when all the things deemed not suitable for lunch are consumed during a separate part of the day? And even though snacking is also encouraged among adults, mostly to keep you full in between meals, the requisite handful of almonds just doesn’t cut it most of the time. Here are some options for healthier snacking that actually make you feel satisfied when all you want is the bad-for-you-stuff.

Reaching for that deliciously chocolate cookie around 3pm a couple times a week? Most nutritionists would suggest nibbling on a few pieces of dark chocolate to try and kill the craving. Right now I’m reaching for Kashi Dark Chocolate and Coconut Granola Bars. With only 120 calories and 3.5g of fat they’re tasty and low-cal.

A bag of chips saying eattttt meeee from the convenience store shelf can be a girl’s worst nightmare. Try making a batch of homemade pita crisps on Sunday night and store them in an airtight container to consume throughout the week with tasty hummus dip. The store-bought varieties are low in calories and have so many flavours to choose from.  When consumed in moderation, this option will fulfill every chip craving and blow your taste buds out of the water. Tip: don’t bring the entire hummus container to work with you each day. Separate a small portion into a Tupperware, making it easy to resist the temptation if all of it was available to you.

Sweet/Salty Combo
When all you want is a bag of chocolate covered pretzels try slicing up a green apple and dipping the slices into peanut butter instead. The combination of the sweet and tart apple mixed with the salty pb is a double trouble snacker’s dream come true. This options got less salt than it’s pretzel counterpart and if you’re in the mood to be extra healthy try it with almond butter, which will still give you a protein kick but without all the sugar and hydrogenated oil like you’d get from PB.











Tags: healthy eating, low calorie foods, low-fat snacks, snacks, sweet and salty food ideas

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  1. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Awesome awesome article! I am seriously going to try all of these ideas!
  2. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Awesome awesome article! I am seriously going to try all of these ideas!

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