Sleep Tips for a Better Rest Tonight!

You’re in the middle of a deliciously satisfying dream when”beep, beep, beep!”your alarm clock crows and jolts you awake at 6 a.m. You reach over and slap the snooze button for a few extra minutes of shut-eye; it’s quiet for what seems like mere moments before stubbornly picking up where it left off. After a few more rounds of this, you suddenly realize you’ve lost 20 minutes from your morning routine. How did that happen?

Sleep is one of the most important factors in achieving good health and well being, and if you’re not getting enough, this morning routine probably sounds all too familiar. So don’t snooze and lose”or lose any snooze! Here are six top sleep tips to help you wake up feeling rested, refreshed and rejuvenated.

1. Don’t ingest caffeine after noon

Having caffeine too late in the day doesn’t just keep you awake past your bedtime. It also impacts how deeply you sleep. Choose decaffeinated beverages in the afternoon and avoid chocolate (it also contains caffeine) to avoid tossing and turning throughout the night.

2. Prepare for tomorrow

Before bed, take care of everything you’ll need the next morning. This includes ironing clothes, preparing breakfast and lunch in advance and gathering any paperwork, homework or projects you may need to take with you the next day. If you do as much as possible the night before, you’ll avoid scrambling to remember everything in the morning.

3. Have a nighttime ritual

Create a bedtime routine that prepares your body to relax. About an hour before you retire, quit watching TV or surfing the internet as these activities can keep you wired. You should also avoid reading or watching TV from bed so that your body becomes conditioned to wind down when you’re between the sheets.

4. Know how much sleep you need

Most adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep per night. If you feel the need to hit the snooze button when it goes off, or just don’t wake up feeling refreshed, you’re probably not getting enough shut-eye.

5. Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room

Most digital clocks emit a bright light that can interfere with a peaceful night’s rest. Moving your alarm clock can improve your sleep quality. It also forces you to physically get up in the morning to turn off your alarm, reducing the likelihood that you’ll absentmindedly hit the snooze button.

6. Plan to snooze!

If you simply can’t imagine giving up the feeling of indulgence that you get when you hit the snooze button for 10 extra minutes of sleep time, built it into your morning routine. Set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier to trick yourself into feeling like you’re getting that extra rest.

Tags: Sleep, Tips

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