How to Move On When He Cheats

He cheated. You found out. You swore if this day ever came you would leave him faster than he could say “I’m sorry“. But now that you are actually standing in the middle of it, facing one of the hardest decision you will ever make, you are suddenly unsure of what path to take. So how do you deal with an unfaithful partner? To run or to stay? That is the question…

Don’t be rash
When you first discover that a partner has been unfaithful it is sometimes easy to make a rash decision and throw them out of your life without a second thought. Unless this isn’t the first time your partner has strayed we say give it a little time. Walk away from the situation and follow the next step until you are ready to confront the situation.

Cry, laugh, and lean on shoulders
Make the time to cry and the time to laugh. Listen to sad music or watch a funny movies. Go to a comedy show or curl up on the couch with just you and a box of tissues. Both tears and laugher at healthy in situations like these and will help you remember that you do have emotions and will help you work out what they are truly feeling about the situation. Talk to people: your mom, your bestie, your workmate, or even a counsellor. Don’t try to get through this alone.

Sit down and talk about it
When you are ready to talk it is important to be prepared with what you want to ask your partner and to be 100% willing to hear everything they have to say. The good and the bad. Be prepared to hear things you may not want to hear and be ready to accept whatever reasoning they give for why they strayed. Without accepting their reasoning and trying to understand it you will never be able to move on, whether with them or not.

Figure out if the relationship is actually worth saving
Once you know the reasons behind the infidelity it is time for you both to look at the bigger picture of your relationship and decide if it is even worth saving. Have one or both of you fallen out of love with each other? If not, do you love each other enough to face the turmoil ahead? Can you swallow your pride and them their guilt to make the relationship work in the long run or will you both just be wasting your time on a lost cause? It is a harsh reality to face but one you must.

If you’re staying, set ground rules
Once you have made the decision to stay with your partner it is very important that you set out some ground rules, but to go about them the right way as to not leave your partner feel trapped or restrained. Let them speak their mind. Find out what types of rules need to be in place. for both them and you, to ensure that cheating never occurs again. And then you BOTH must stick to them.

If you are leaving, take time to grieve
It is okay to mourn the loss of your relationship, especially if it was long term and with someone you truly loved. Try not to dwell to much on the bad and attempt to look back on the good as to not allow yourself to become too jaded or bitter about the relationship or future relationships.

Be willing to trust again
Whether or not your stay or go it always important to ensure that are open to trusting again. Without this your relationship or any that come after it will never work. You will likely have to start from the ground up and build an entirely new foundation of trust with either your current or new partner, but you MUST be willing to try or else it will never work out well.

Give it time
Remember that rebuilding relationships, mending hearts, and gaining trust are not things that happen overnight and ensure that your partner knows that too. Neither of you will be able to predict how soon your trust will return and thus you both need to be patient and not allow frustrations to bombard the relationship. It is a slow process but if done right can be a wonderful one.

Tags: cheating, Love, Relationships, unfaithful.

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  1. Avatar
    • Nancy
    • December 30, 2015

    You are all lame and don’t make any sense.

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    • Nancy
    • September 1, 2013
    Some husbands really need to be careful of other woman outside their marriage,this was a true life story that happened to me to my own notice my sister took my husband from me the husband whom i have love so much and promise me that no woman will take him from me but all of a sudden things turned apart if not for my friend hear in USA that told me i needed a spell caster that can cast a spell to separate them maybe by now he must have went for a divorce which could have made me commit suicide because i loved him so much likewise like him also but how things turn around was a thing that surprised me.
    I vowed that any thing it could cost me i must separate him and my elder sister i then collected the contact of this spell caster from my friend Mary she told me his name is spiritual Priest Ajigar and his email is i contacted him and narrated the whole story to him he consulted and found out that my sister visited a spell caster that casted a spell that made him love her i then ask him what to do he told me that this spell needed to be broken so that my husband can leave her alone and come back to me the spell was broken and within three days he began to hate her that he even beat her up before he said to her that it is over between him and her right now my husband is with me again and take care of me like he have never done before i thank my friend Mary but i own all thanks to priest Ajigar for bringing back my husband and i therefore for advice that if you notice any strange behavior in your marriage or your boy friend or girlfriend is cheating you contact Priest Ajigar to know the root of it he will surely help you out and give an everlasting solution to it.
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    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    She may be afraid to face why some men cheat, and remain fixated on the cheater until she wants to resolve the issue . But understanding some of the reasons men do it can help her see if she is in a situation that will just repeat itself. If she leaves, she needs to know that she will actually get over him. People do it all of the time. It hurts for a while and then it stops hurting eventually. When she gets tired of feeling like garbage, she will deal with it.
    The following points are to be considered when deciding if the guy is going to repeat the behaviour:
    She should ask herself if her partner genuinely cares for the person he is cheating with. If so, this will not go away soon.
    Recent studies show there is a spike in certain hormones triggered by cheating that heightens sexual excitement in cheaters, that can be more powerful than the same hormone levels when in monogamous infatuation situations that are new. It seems to be addictive. If the woman being cheated on leaves, then the hormone levels in the cheaters take a dive.
    Some men cheat as a passive-aggressive solution to feeling defeated by their partners. Cheating secretly can be empowering, raising testosterone levels in men who feel inadequate or ignored or defeated. Often, men feel manly and important when getting their own way, or evoking jealousies in their partners; but they do not necessarily respect the women with whom, and on whom, they cheat.
    Some men want to feel equal to other men who appear to be ‘getting more’. They feel competitive, and worry they are missing out on some imagined experience that will never present itself again. They think they will regret not doing it.
    Some men are are genetically prone to cheating and will do it even more when impotent with old age, blaming their partners for not turning them on any more.
    Cheating is generally pathological (but rarely not), and is always selfish.
    Ultimately, the cheater is telling her he cares more about himself, than he does about her emotional health. That is not love. If she takes it, he will not respect her. And for the sake of her emotional health, she should respect herself. There is a real chance he could be risking her physical health as well.
    Ask her what she wants in her ideal man, and then challenge her to settle for nothing less. She will get over the cheater, but first she has to get over herself.
  4. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    She may be afraid to face why some men cheat, and remain fixated on the cheater until she wants to resolve the issue . But understanding some of the reasons men do it can help her see if she is in a situation that will just repeat itself. If she leaves, she needs to know that she will actually get over him. People do it all of the time. It hurts for a while and then it stops hurting eventually. When she gets tired of feeling like garbage, she will deal with it.
    The following points are to be considered when deciding if the guy is going to repeat the behaviour:
    She should ask herself if her partner genuinely cares for the person he is cheating with. If so, this will not go away soon.
    Recent studies show there is a spike in certain hormones triggered by cheating that heightens sexual excitement in cheaters, that can be more powerful than the same hormone levels when in monogamous infatuation situations that are new. It seems to be addictive. If the woman being cheated on leaves, then the hormone levels in the cheaters take a dive.
    Some men cheat as a passive-aggressive solution to feeling defeated by their partners. Cheating secretly can be empowering, raising testosterone levels in men who feel inadequate or ignored or defeated. Often, men feel manly and important when getting their own way, or evoking jealousies in their partners; but they do not necessarily respect the women with whom, and on whom, they cheat.
    Some men want to feel equal to other men who appear to be ‘getting more’. They feel competitive, and worry they are missing out on some imagined experience that will never present itself again. They think they will regret not doing it.
    Some men are are genetically prone to cheating and will do it even more when impotent with old age, blaming their partners for not turning them on any more.
    Cheating is generally pathological (but rarely not), and is always selfish.
    Ultimately, the cheater is telling her he cares more about himself, than he does about her emotional health. That is not love. If she takes it, he will not respect her. And for the sake of her emotional health, she should respect herself. There is a real chance he could be risking her physical health as well.
    Ask her what she wants in her ideal man, and then challenge her to settle for nothing less. She will get over the cheater, but first she has to get over herself.
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    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    My very good friend from work is being cheated on, Nancy Hinostroza, by her dick for brains husband and she is still with him! How does a woman stay with a man like that??? How should i support her? Please email me back
  6. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    My very good friend from work is being cheated on, Nancy Hinostroza, by her dick for brains husband and she is still with him! How does a woman stay with a man like that??? How should i support her? Please email me back
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      • Truth
      • June 21, 2020

      She not with him anymore.

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