The Girl Code Guidelines

In the past few years we’ve heard a lot about bro code (and that lovely phrase, bros before hos), but not too much about girls standing up for other girls. What fundamental signs of respect do we owe other women? We thought we’d get the ball rolling by brainstorming a few ways to strengthen our sense of sisterhood. Let us know what you think in the comments.

The Ex Factor
It’s obvious that the question of whether to date your friends’ exes is always a thorny one. But sometimes it becomes a little less clear cut “ what if they dated in high school and have been broken up for a decade? What if she only had a little crush on him, or they only kissed once at a party? No matter what you decide, your friend will always appreciate it if you come to her first, before taking any action. This is not the time for that old mantra, better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, because if you really hurt your friend, you may not get that forgiveness.

Respect the Girl Time
If you’re paired off and your friend isn’t, you’ve got to put yourself in her shoes “ would you want her to drag along the boyfriend to every concert or brunch date? So while your single friends should accept that your calendar will be a little more full when you’re in a relationship, you also have to make sure that you prioritize quality time. These girls got you through thick and thin, and if things don’t work out with your current man, you’ll want them to be there for thin again.

Steer Clear of Men in Relationships
This a no-brainer “ to some extent, you do owe this other woman (even if you’ve never met her) the respect of staying away from her boyfriend. That said, when it comes down to crunch time, the greatest responsibility always, always lies with the person who was actually in that relationship (he made the commitment, right?). So when cheating occurs, whether in real life or in the gossip pages, try to avoid homewrecker comments and remember that the true blame lies with the person who cheated on their partner.

Don’t Diss the Boyfriend
If your friend is having guy problems, it’ll be tempting to jump on the bandwagon and tell her what you really think of his ridiculous haircut or his unhealthy relationship with his mother. But chances are, she’ll make up with the guy, making it more awkward for you to pretend to get along with him after you’ve spent several hours explaining exactly why he’s an idiot (she, of course, gets a pass on this). So try to keep your sympathy moderate until the relationship is really over (unless of course you think your friend might actually be the victim of an abusive relationship, in which case you have to be honest).

Stick Together on a Night Out
This one seems pretty simple, but you really could save your friend simply by keeping an eye on her or putting her into a cab to make sure she gets home safe.

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Tags: exes, friends, friendships, girl code, homewreckers

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    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    my best friend helped me get with this guy, who even though we broke up (tough reasons) everybody knows we still love each other.. I found out she had gotten drunk with him and other friends, and made out with him. i had to hear about this from other people though, she acts like we’re still best friends and nothing happened.
    im not sure what to do because 1)i’ve made the same mistakes (getting drunk &messing with a friend) and 2)me and him are not together anymore. i don’t know what to do
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    My so called “best friend” knew I liked this guy, and now she is prusuing after him. I told her it was wrong and I would never do that to her. And she acts if she doesn’t care. She doesn’t know I still like him. What should I do?should I apoligize and go back to being friends or cut her off?
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Chicks before dick’s
    Friends before deadends
    Sisters before misters
    hos before those
    Hos before bros
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Were you guys together when this happened?
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Well then you take into account part of the girl code that says; dating an ex of a friend is off limits unless one or more of the following condistions are met. The man has been declared “open season” by the girl he was orginaly dating or it has been at least one third the time that they had been dating or they ere dating for less then six months.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I just was broken up with over text, so what does my bestfriend do? she asks him out. She is such a hoe bag, She had been interested in him and he was interested in me , he asked me out and i made sure it was ok that i went out with him with her. she said she was over him now after 6 months he breaks up with me and suddenly shes all over him obviously I need to give her the link to this page
    • AllyKat
    • January 1, 1970
    Sisters b4 Misters!
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Every one is saying sisters b4 misters but what if u still like ur ex that ur friend is going out with and everyone knows it but him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    my best friend helped me get with this guy, who even though we broke up (tough reasons) everybody knows we still love each other.. I found out she had gotten drunk with him and other friends, and made out with him. i had to hear about this from other people though, she acts like we’re still best friends and nothing happened.
    im not sure what to do because 1)i’ve made the same mistakes (getting drunk &messing with a friend) and 2)me and him are not together anymore. i don’t know what to do
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    My so called “best friend” knew I liked this guy, and now she is prusuing after him. I told her it was wrong and I would never do that to her. And she acts if she doesn’t care. She doesn’t know I still like him. What should I do?should I apoligize and go back to being friends or cut her off?
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Chicks before dick’s
    Friends before deadends
    Sisters before misters
    hos before those
    Hos before bros
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Were you guys together when this happened?
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Well then you take into account part of the girl code that says; dating an ex of a friend is off limits unless one or more of the following condistions are met. The man has been declared “open season” by the girl he was orginaly dating or it has been at least one third the time that they had been dating or they ere dating for less then six months.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I just was broken up with over text, so what does my bestfriend do? she asks him out. She is such a hoe bag, She had been interested in him and he was interested in me , he asked me out and i made sure it was ok that i went out with him with her. she said she was over him now after 6 months he breaks up with me and suddenly shes all over him obviously I need to give her the link to this page
    • AllyKat
    • January 1, 1970
    Sisters b4 Misters!
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Every one is saying sisters b4 misters but what if u still like ur ex that ur friend is going out with and everyone knows it but him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I like that thing everyone say’s “Sisters b4 Misters”! and its true…if 1 of my girls together with my ex… id prob be pissed..wether i liked him still or not
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    we need to make a solid list of girl codes.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    chicks b4 dicks…friends b4 boyfriends
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    sisters before misters works well too
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I think that girl code although you cant find a list of rules if your a girl you should know what the code is. Chicks befor d!cks is what my girls say too!
    Girl groups have different codes, my friend hooked up with my ex and were not talking anymore but my other friend has dated 3 guys after i hooked up with them it depends on the situation and how its delt with.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I like that thing everyone say’s “Sisters b4 Misters”! and its true…if 1 of my girls together with my ex… id prob be pissed..wether i liked him still or not
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    we need to make a solid list of girl codes.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    chicks b4 dicks…friends b4 boyfriends
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    sisters before misters works well too
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I think that girl code although you cant find a list of rules if your a girl you should know what the code is. Chicks befor d!cks is what my girls say too!
    Girl groups have different codes, my friend hooked up with my ex and were not talking anymore but my other friend has dated 3 guys after i hooked up with them it depends on the situation and how its delt with.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    In response to the phrase, “bros before hos”, I came up with my own a long time ago. “Chicks before D!cks” I think it is more correct.
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    In response to the phrase, “bros before hos”, I came up with my own a long time ago. “Chicks before D!cks” I think it is more correct.

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