A Hot Summer Body in 10 Weeks: Week Nine, Developing a Routine

The key to keeping your new healthy lifestyle on track is to create a routine. Since we began this journey nine weeks ago I’ve noticed that I’ve become quite organized about my workouts and diet. This may just be my personality and how I am able to balance exercise with my busy work schedule, but it seems to have made “staying healthy” quite easy. Below I’ll share my weekly schedule and you can follow what I do or use my routine as inspiration for yours.

Monday: Running Group – 400 calories

We meet at 6pm every Monday after work and run 5 to 7km. I prefer running in a group because I find it pushes me to try harder and also guarantees I show up every week.

Tuesday: Weight Training – 200 calories

I either hit the gym or use my Nike Training Club app and do about 45 minute of weight training, focusing on my arms or legs (depending on what isn’t still sore from my last workout). I use light weights or my own body weight.

Wednesday: Rest Day

In order to avoid injury, a rest day is necessary. Plus, everyone needs a couch day!

Thursday: Nike Training Club – 300-400 calories

This is my favourite workout of the week! Nike Canada's 1st Master Trainer, Eva Redpath, kicks our group’s butt weekly at the Academy of Lion’s Nike Training Club class. After only a few weeks, I am surprised how much my strength has improved.

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: Pilates Class – 300 calories

On the weekends I’ll sleep in (I live for Saturdays) and then take an afternoon Pilates class at Studio Lagree. This helps to improve my flexibility, strength and control. The movements in these classes target all those hard-to-target spots that don’t get a lot of attention in my regular workouts.

Sunday: Bike Ride – 300-400 calories

My favourite thing to do in the summer is ride my bike along the waterfront. The views of the city are incredible and just being outdoors feels great after being indoors working all week.

There you have it!

I’ve burnt a total of 1,700 during my workouts, plus I try and walk an average of 10,000 steps a day, which equals an extra 400 calories a day. That is a total of 4,500 calories burnt a week. There is 3,500 calories in a pound. I try and stick to a diet of 1,500 calories a day (the average calories I burn a day resting). So if you do the math, I am losing at least a pound a week. Obviously, there are days when you splurge on your calorie intake (my cousin’s wedding, dinners out with the BF, etc.), but as proof that this works, I have lost a total of 8 pounds in nine weeks. Sounds about right!

I am just one week away from my goal of a Hot Summer Body! Stay tuned next week to see how I celebrate the end of this journey and how I plan to stick to it going forward. 

A Hot Summer Body in 10 Weeks: 

nike training club.JPG

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