Time Crunch: 20-minute workout ideas

Time is at a premium for most of us and when push comes to shove, a workout generally is the first item tossed off the to-do list.

However, most of us can still manage to find 20 minutes a day for ourselves “ whether that means getting up a bit earlier in the morning or squeezing in some time at lunch hour, we all can do it. And if you only have 20 minutes to burn some calories and get yourself up and active, here are some options to get the most out of this time.

If you have a pair of runners then all you need is the great outdoors. Use your 20 minutes for a high intensity-interval training session. That means short bursts of activity, followed by a brief rest, only to ramp up again to get your heart rate up. You’ll burn the most calories this way and feel like you’ve spent at least 40 minutes on the treadmill.

Use your lunch break for a speed walk around the city instead of sitting around a cafeteria or lunch room. Check out a new area or not, but use the time to get moving.

Weights. Need we say more? Muscle burns fat and side benefit, the effort keeps you toned.

Now that spring is just around the corner, lose the car and bike your way in to work. Not only are you fitting in some exercise, you’re getting some fresh air while you’re at it too.

Develop a short routine you can stick to at home that combines, quick bursts of cardio and some weights or basic strength training and try to incorporate 3 to 4 times a week. While dinner is cooking on the stove, get to it or give up 20 minutes of TV time for a healthier, fitter you.

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Tags: Fitness, home workouts, short workouts, time crunch

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  1. Avatar
    Hey Ashley,I am doing the more half. Self’s Workout does get a little crazy, I aullacty tried to meet bloggers there last year and didn’t work out. But it would be fun to have a group go. For the last few years I have gone with a few friends. It’s a great event.

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