Spook your friends with these scary makeup tutorials from the team at MAKE UP FOR EVER using their products (listed in the desciptions below):
Zombie Girl

Create lifeless skin by mixing Clown White and Mat Velvet. Apply in a stippling motion with an Ellipse Sponge. Use a Powder puff to set foundation with #0 Super Matte Loose. Sculpt contours of the cheeks, temples, and jaw with Sculpting Kit #2. Deepen contour with #160 Eye Shadow; blend down to create a sunken-in look. Also shade in hollows on the “zombie” sides forehead, under lip, jawline and neck.
Prime eye lids with Eye Prime. Shape the crease with #164 Eye Shadow. Detail “stitched” eye with #98 and #04 Eye Shadow. On the “zombie” eye create a Smokey effect, with #160, #49 and #9 Eye Shadows. Apply winged Eyeliner to both eyes using Aqua Black. Finish with Smoky Extravagant Mascara.
Camouflage the lip with Clown White and Mat Velvet mixture. Outline heart-shape lip with 0L Aqua Lip. Fill in the lip with purple and Black Flash Color. Highlight the center of the bottom lip with #942 Star Powder.
To create stiches start by sketching stich lines with 2K Kohl Pencil. Then, mix blue, carmine, and yellow Flash Color from the Special FX Palette to a neutral shade. Trace over the white kohl pencil keeping some areas “open” to create the illusion that the skin is splitting apart. Use Black Flash in some “open” areas to create more depth. To draw the veins use a small tapered brush saturated with Aqua Seal and #49 Eye Shadow. Draw on the face starting with heavy pressure to soft pressure creating organic lines.
Wicked Witch

Create lightened luminous skin by mixing your HD Foundation shade with white Flash Color. Apply with a brush and buff with a sponge for a transparent effect. Set complexion with #944 Star Powder and HD Microfinishing Powder. To create a veil of green apply #33 Fluo Night following the contours of the face and sculpt cheek bones with #40 Eye Shadow.
Apply Aqua Black to define and exaggerate your eye brows. Next, Apply #2 Aqua Cream from lash line up to crease. Highlight the inner comer of the eyes and the brow bone with #941 Star Powder. Then press #942 Star Powder onto the eyelid. Next, apply #4 Eye Shadow through the crease and for more black intensity re-define with Aqua Black. Line the upper and lower waterline with 0L Aqua Eyes smudge at lower lash line with #4 Eye Shadow. Then create a dramatic wing on the upper lash line using Aqua Black. Finish with Smoky Lash Mascara and apply Faux lashes #155.
Define and shape lips with 0L Aqua Eyes . Apply #50 Rouge Artist Intense with a lip brush and finish with M2 Lab Shine. Highlight the center of the lip with #941 Star Powder.

Create lighted luminous skin by mixing your HD Foundation shade with white Flash Color. Apply with a brush and buff with the HD Sponge for a transparent effect. Smooth and finish with a small amount of HD Micofinishing Powder. Highlight the high points of the cheekbones, bridge of nose, and forehead with #967 Star Powder. Sculpt the contours of cheeks, temples, and jaw with#165 Eye Shadow.
Apply #16 Aqua Shadow from lash line to crease, then, layer #61Eye Shadow onto the lid and through the crease to intensify color. Apply #8C Aqua Lip to the top and bottom waterline. Line the upper lash line with Aqua Black creating a winged effect at the outer corner of your eye. Apply 25L Aqua Eyes to the bottom lash line then smudge. Now, add depth in the crease by applying #163 Eye Shadow through the crease and re-intensify with Aqua Black. Finish lashes with Smoky Extravagant #112 Faux Lash.
Define lips with #12C Aqua lip. Fill the lips in with #12 Aqua Rouge. Add dripping blood for a freshly feed effect.
Start by laying down a thin amount of spirit gum. Roll two small pieces of plasto wax into balls. Press flat and lay down over sprit gum, use your fingers to blend edges into your skin. Then puncture the Plasto Wax with a spatula. To enhance the torn flesh effect use Flash Color in black to darken punctured area and red around the outside of the wound for irritation. Finish the effect with Thick Blood.

Apply #0 HD Primer starting through the center and working outward. Then apply HD Foundation using your shade. Highlight and Contour your cheeks, temples and jaw using Sculpting Kit #2. Apply #10 Sculpting blush to the apples of the cheeks.
Start with Eye Prime all over the eye lid. Then apply #6E Aqua Shadow in the inner corner of your eye and blend. Next, apply #8E Aqua Shadow in the inner rim and outer corner of the upper lid and blend into the crease. Intensify colors by applying #53 Eye Shadow in the inner corner and #167Eye Shadow to smudge under eye and blend the outer corner. Create more dimension by adding #4 Eye Shadow through the crease. Use a fluffy brush and continue to diffuse color around the eye. Then apply #967 Start Powder as a brow highlight. Using Aqua Black, create a cat liner on the upper lash line.
Define and shape your lips with 16C Aqua Lip. Then fill in the entire lip with #36 Rouge Artist Intense. Finish with #11 Diamond Powder in the center of the lips. MASK Place pink Flash Color in center of the nose bridge and blend out with a sponge to create a gradient effect. Using a small detail brush create an outer edge with Blue and Green Flash color, then, blend edges slightly. Powder with Super Matte Loose #0. Apply #967 Star Powder to highlight white areas in the mask. Then, with Aqua Black and a fine tip brush, draw the black outline and design inside the mask. Apply white dots and highlights using White Aquarelle.