9 Healthy Snacks

When you’re hungry, it can be tough to resist the closest, easiest, and most often unhealthy option. Stock your cupboards (and purse and office drawer) with some of these staples, and no matter the time of day, these healthy snacks will give you a hit of nutrition “ and hit the spot.


No time for breakfast: Yogurt parfait
Mix up some granola, a handful of berries, and low-fat yogurt for a delicious snack that’s a cinch to make. Yogurt is a good source of calcium, while colourful fruit does wonders for your heart and helps prevent disease.


Between meals: Edamame
Low-cal protein and lots of fibre makes this snack a perfect afternoon delight. These green soybeans steam up in seconds and satisfy that salty, crunchy craving when sprinkled with a bit of coarse salt.


The afternoon slump: Celery sticks with peanut butter
PB helps regulate cholesterol and is a good source of protein, so it will give you a punch of much-needed energy. Eating it with celery is a good way to get a dose of Vitamin A, which helps lower blood pressure, and tons of fibre. For extra iron, top each spear with a few raisins.


Running errands: Trail mix
A mixture of nuts, dried fruit and cereal is a great fix when you’re on the go. The nuts will keep you feeling full and energized with protein and a dose of healthy fat, while the dried fruit is a sweet, chewy, vitamin-packed counterpoint to their crunchy companions.


Before a workout: Melon and cheese
This sweet and creamy combination is seriously delicious. The calcium in cheese keeps bones strong and melons are low in fat in high in Vitamin C, so it’ll help keep your immune system strong during your strenuous exercise.


After a workout: Guacamole
The richness of avocado will help restore your energy after a good sweat session. Plus, avocado helps fights cancer and is filled with B Vitamins, which are good for your immune and nervous systems.


When you’re bored: Green tea
We often mistake thirst for hunger. So instead of reaching mindlessly for something to munch, have a cup of green tea. It’s compounds have been linked to reducing cancer risk, lowering cholesterol and revving metabolism.


Before bed: Banana smoothie
Stocked with potassium and magnesium, bananas are natural muscle relaxants that can actually help you get a better night’s sleep.


 What’s your favourite, no-fail healthy snack? Share a tasty tip with us!

Tags: healthy diet, healthy eating, poor diet, unhealthy food choices

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  1. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    some of my favorite healthy snacks::
    apple slices with cinnamon-sugar
    frozen yogurt
    popcorn (not the microwave kind but fresh popped)
    a bowl of berries, sprinkled with a tiny bit of sugar
  2. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    some of my favorite healthy snacks::
    apple slices with cinnamon-sugar
    frozen yogurt
    popcorn (not the microwave kind but fresh popped)
    a bowl of berries, sprinkled with a tiny bit of sugar

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