In the study (completed by the NPD Group Inc.), moisturizing and SPF items make up 54% and 51% of sales, while oil-free, anti-aging and all-natural come up at 32%, 30% and 27% – not bad considering only years ago SPF was only a suggestion not a necessity.
Sure, we’re still using makeup, but we’re also becoming much more aware of the products we use and the effects they have on the environment. So anything “Green” is on the steady increase, like mineral makeup, etc. (So not only are we benefitting ourselves, we’re thinking green “ which, some might argue, is the sexiest thing of all.)
So can we expect this trend of skin-boosting and Earth-friendly cosmetics to continue? Well with more and more lines introducing products that guarantee quality and environmental awareness, to avoid SPF, moisturizer or organics is not only out of style, it’s hard to come by. Here’s hoping the rest of 2010 sees the increase in natural beauty and awareness.