Which Bachelorette Contestants Do We Want to Date?

ABC finally released the list of contestants appearing on this season of The Bachelorette a week ahead of the premiere on May 23 (don’t worry”we’ll be all over those recaps again). And because we’re in an office of Bachelor/Bachelorette enthusiasts, we did what every normal office does: chose our favourite contestants to date, duh. (You might notice a recurring fave.) Really we can’t wait for the first night to see which guys make an impression (not only on JoJo but us, too), but for now their descriptions will have to suffice.

Sara Koonar’s top picks: 

1. Wells (marry me)

2. Jordan

3. Derek

4. Robby

Least fave: James S. (“He has dead eyes!”)

Liz Willcock’s top picks:

1. Chad (“But he kinda looks like a pug”)

2. James Taylor

3. Wells (“But he kinda looks like an elf”)


Aaron Zorgel’s top picks: 

1. Wells

Least faves: Brandon (“He listed ‘hipster’ as his occupation”) and Evan

Chris Turner’s top picks: 

1. Wells

2. Grant

3. Daniel

4. Luke

Travis Taylor’s top picks: 

1. Wells

2. Chad

3. Robby


Ashley Kowalewski’s top picks: 

1. Derek (except he doesn’t like fluffy kittens”might be a deal-breaker)

2. Chase

3. Wells (but he doesn’t like pizza)

Least fave: Chad (anyone who quotes Matthew McConaughey is my archnemesis)

Tags: jojo fletcher, the bachelor, the bachelorette

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