Dressing for fashion week requires a balance between making a bold statement and letting your own unique sense of style shine through. Choose an outfit you feel confident and glam in without having to hold your breath / posture a certain way – stiff and awkward is never a good look. Effortless, comfy and confident always is. Try for your everyday style, kicked up a knotch. Here are some classic looks to help you put your best (looking) foot forward.
Go bold with shoes
You’re likely going to be sitting down the whole time – which means, if you’ve got some crazy-high heels kicking around you’ve been waiting to unleash on a minimal-walking occasion, this is the time. Break ‘em out. French designer Christian said “shoes transform your body language and attitude” – even when you’re sitting stationary all night.
Wear the designer you are going to see
If you are attending a Calvin Klein runway show, wear Calvin Klein! Simple.
Go vintage
A classic vintage find always makes a unique statement, especially if you’re not into (or can’t afford to be into) the big label game. That tu-tu Carrie wore in the opening credits of SATC? Five dollars from a vintage store. To be sure, some of the most iconic looks in the fashion world have been second hand treasures. When in doubt, set aside some time to csour around your local thrift store.

Black and white
Head to toe black and white is always chic. If you’ve got a favourite accessory you love, (pattern tights, gravity-defying shoes, your sleeve tattoos, your naturally curly hair etc.), an all black and white outfit will allow you to draw attention to them.
Loud prints
Want to get snapped by a street style photographer? The key is to wear a bright colour or a lot of prints. They know that those trends pop on camera, so you are sure to appear on a blog or fashion magazine round-up.
Little black (or red) dress
A simple LBD or LRD makes a classy statement. Little more than the tried-and-true dress is needed here – add a blazer or leather / denim jacket and you've got a killer outfit. The power of these dresses are in their simplicity. Think: Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or Marilyn Monroe in Asphalt Jungle, or, the fiery Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. These distinctive frocks have the ability to become iconic looks.
Don’t feel like you should spend a ton of cash on an outfit you’re only planning on wearing for one night, even if it is a big-name fashion show. Above all else, your attitude is your very best accessory. All your dressing efforts should attempt to bring that to life.
Related Video: Gucci S/S 2014 Runway Show at Milan Fashion Week