Gilmore Girls, Season 1, Episode 3 Recap: Kill Me Now

This episode originally aired on October 19, 2000 on The WB

The episode kicks off with Rory and Lorelai having one of their iconic fast-paced, pop culture-referenced conversations at the Independence Inn. Lorelai is preparing for a double wedding at the inn, which involves two sets of identical twins marrying each other.

Richard Gilmore, Lorelai’s father, gets involved in Rory’s life when he discovers they have a shared interest in golf. He invites her to play a round at his country club. Lorelai is surprised by Rory’s acceptance of the invitation, given that she usually prefers to avoid her grandparents’ world. However, Rory is trying to bond with her grandfather, and she thinks golf might be a way to do that.

Rory’s golf outing with Richard is awkward at first, as she’s out of place in the elite country club environment, and she has little experience with golf. However, over the course of the game, Rory and Richard begin to bond. Richard begins to see Rory as a kindred spirit and is proud of how she handles herself. Rory also learns more about her grandfather’s life and gains a deeper appreciation for him.

While Rory is at the country club, Lorelai spends time with Emily, her mother. The day is filled with tension and passive-aggressive remarks, especially when Lorelai finds out about a portrait Emily has commissioned of Rory.

The episode ends with Rory and Lorelai recounting their days to each other. Lorelai is amused by Rory’s tales of the country club and Rory’s attempts at golfing. They both acknowledge the vast differences between their world in Stars Hollow and the world of the Gilmore grandparents.

Memorable quotes from the episode:

  • “I can be flexible. As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I’m totally flexible.” – Lorelai
  • “It’s a tradition, Lorelai. When a Gilmore girl is of age, she gets her portrait painted.” – Emily (about the commissioned portrait of Rory)
  • “The world of the grandparents is a very strange place. At least now we know why I’m so weird – it’s inherited.” – Lorelai
  • “Rory, you’re like me. You’re a Gilmore.” – Richard
  • Tags: Gilmore Girls, Gilmore Girls Episode Recaps, Gilmore Girls season 1

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