Would you take fashion advice from Kate Bosworth? Of course you would. Girlfriend can dress, and we all know it. So it makes sense that the actress has released her own style app called Style Thief which helps fashion lovers track down pieces they want to wear. The process? All you have to do is take a photo of the piece, then click through to the store where they can buy it.
"Everyone has fashion envy," Bosworth told WWD. "Everyone can relate to that feeling of looking at an editorial, for example — or a friend, or the runway, for that matter — wanting to steal something exactly as you're seeing it, or something similar."
And she's hardly just a consultant and/or spokesperson: Bosworth is actually the chief marketing officer for Style Thief that will work to hold its own against a pretty saturated market.
"It's a natural evolution of my interest in tech and fashion," she continued. "In this particular sense, the simplicity of how the tool was designed was what I was attracted to. Our intention is to be a tool for consumers to find something and ultimately purchase. It's as easy as that."
The Style Thief app is free, and you can get it on iTunes now. Just make sure not to buy all the good stuff from every store before I get there, thanks.