You’re Missing Out if You Don’t Subscribe to These 4 E-Newsletters

Portrait of a young businesswoman working on her tablet in the office.

Staying up to date with current events has been emotionally draining lately to say the least. However, it’s still important to know what’s going on in the world — regardless of how crazy it may be. Not only will brushing up on current events arm you with something to talk about at your next networking event, it’ll hopefully give you a broader outlook on the world and where we stand in it.

Whether it’s the political climate, what movies have won Oscars, where the Leafs stand in the NHL or what celebs are breaking up over Twitter, it’s helpful to be knowledgeable of these events (even if the latter may seem nuts). That said, it can be intimidating to know what to read, what’s subjective and how to get educated on all sides of the political spectrum. With email newsletters on the rise, there’s a variety of options that can give you a good outlook on what’s going on in the world, in poignant (and sometimes hilarious) copy to ease the blow.

The Hustle

The Hustle outlines those tech and business news stories you need to know about, and their copywriters have totally hit the mark. While it’s skewed primarily American, there are plenty of interesting updates on all the major tech players (Airbnb, Uber, Facebook and Amazon, to name a few), all of which directly affect us north of the border. The key here is their editorial tone and just how engaging it is. When you join, their welcome email has the subject line, Look what you did, you little jerk¦. I don’t know why, but that alone had me sold on the content to come.

The Skimm

The Skimm has a way of easing the blow of current events by providing some catchy headlines to draw you into often unpleasant news updates. Their tagline is, Making it easier for you to be smarter, and the newsletter truly does highlight the need-to-know news you may not otherwise read up on. Started by two young ladies from NYC and Chicago, they got their start as producers for NBC News and saw a market for relaying important news stories in an easier-to-digest format: a daily email with witty copy. It’s working.

The Bullet

The Bullet is one of Canada’s first e-newsletters that incorporates Canada-specific news stories into a daily email. The content ranges from world, politics, business, technology and entertainment, all while maintaining a Canadian authenticity that you can’t find in American newsletters. Meaning, there’s Canadian politics mixed in there so you’re better armed at the water-cooler on topics that aren’t skewed primarily American. Their tagline is, Start your day with a shot of news that won’t break your brain, and it’s a sentence I can get behind. Their clever headlines and easygoing tone make it easier to digest news that isn’t exactly the most promising.

The Broadsheet

The Broadsheet is one of the first emails I signed up for, and it summarizes what’s happening around the world (though, primarily in America) surrounding women in the business world. As an offshoot to Fortune Magazine, the content is geared towards badass career women, and what they’re doing in their respective industries that’s worth knowing. Not only is the roundup inspirational, it’ll expose you to some cool industries with women at their helms.

Tags: career, networking, news, newsletters, the broadsheet, the bullet, the hustle, the skimm

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