There’s a lot to be said about Olivia Palermo. Firstly, while The Hills editing team would like to have us believe that their so-called villainess personifies everything we hated about Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada (just kidding “ we didn’t hate anything), it’s safe to say that regardless of how she wronged Erin, Olivia is all sorts of alright. And secondly, if you’re not particularly sold on her personality, we can all learn a thing or two from her wardrobe. And to help prove our point, we’ve detailed them here:
Make No Apologies
Remember when Olivia wore what she wanted, said what she thought and attended every event with the air of someone who knew very well how to dominate a room? (Does anybody else miss The City yet?) Behold: the secret to your fashion success. Like lack of confidence hinders your career and your relationships, a lack of confidence in what you’ve chosen to wear will only open the floodgates for feedback and criticism. So if you want to wear that romper, wear it. You want to wear black leather in the dead summer heat? That’s your call. Just stand by your choice and take notice of how many people quickly stand by it too.
Wear What Works
We know that dressing for your body type isn’t exactly a secret of our favourite fashion icons, but it’s a point proven time and time again. Olivia, being tall and slender, wore flattering outfits that took risks but didn’t go overboard, and played up her favourite features while abiding by the less is more school of thought. The point? Embrace your best features by playing them up. And rest assured that you’re not deigning to your comfort zone “ you’re solely ensuring you look major.
Anyone can put on a pair of jeans, a blouse and a blazer, but it’s the art of accessorizing that cemented Olivia Palermo is far more than just a woman with a penchant for heels. The accessories go-to during her time at Elle magazine (or so what MTV would have us think), the fashion guru earned kudos for pulling the most intricate and unique pieces for shoots “ as well for herself. The lesson? Don’t be afraid to don bracelets, necklaces and rings. And provided you don’t drown out your outfit in gold, bling and kitsch, even leggings and a sweater will seem high end.
If you’re rolling your eyes at our consistent balance your outfit type of lessons, fear not: this time, we’re touching on hair. With a hairstyle that rivaled Lauren’s, Whitney’s and even Kelly Cutrone’s (which, we should say, is saying a lot), Olivia didn’t get lost in her length, her waves or even her updo. Like you would with a shirt, shoes or skirt, factor your hairstyle into your outfit, and don’t let one outweigh the other.