Gilmore Girls, Season 1, Episode 12 Recap: Double Date

This episode originally aired on January 18, 2001 on The WB

The episode opens with Lorelai jogging around Stars Hollow, a new habit she’s taken up. She bumps into Michel who pokes fun at her newfound interest in fitness.

Lorelai and Rory are planning a double date. Lorelai is going out with Rune, Jackson’s cousin, while Rory is dating Dean. It’s not Lorelai’s idea – the only reason she’s going out with Rune is that Jackson wouldn’t set up Rory and Dean without someone for Rune. Rune is very clearly not Lorelai’s type and is even offended when he first sees her, thinking she is too tall.

While Rory and Dean are trying to enjoy their time together, Rune is visibly uninterested and keeps interrupting them, making things awkward. This hampers any romantic momentum for Rory and Dean.

In another part of Stars Hollow, Sookie and Jackson enjoy a cute, quirky date. Jackson reveals his feelings for Sookie and, after some typical Sookie clumsiness, the two share a sweet kiss, signaling the beginning of their romantic relationship.

Lane, Rory’s best friend, has a crush on a boy named Todd. To communicate with him, she has Rory give him a note. Todd misinterprets the note, thinking Rory likes him. Lane is crushed and Rory is put in an awkward position. Lane is further disappointed when she spies on Todd’s band practice and realizes he’s not as great a drummer as she thought.

At the end of the double date, Rune has overstayed his welcome and Lorelai cleverly manages to get rid of him by paying him off. Rory and Dean finally get a moment alone. Dean admits that he is smitten with Rory and they share a kiss, leaving Rory on cloud nine.

The episode ends with Lorelai and Rory recapping their respective dates, sharing a typical mother-daughter bonding moment over junk food and movie plans.

**Themes:** This episode touches on the challenges and awkwardness of dating, especially the lengths people will go to for their friends. It emphasizes the bond between Rory and Lorelai, showcasing how they handle problems and always have each other’s backs.

Memorable quotes from the episode:

  • “If eating cake is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” – Lorelai
  • “She’s a giant!” – Rune (referring to Lorelai when he sees her for the first time)
  • “I’m blushing, right? Tell me when I stop.” – Sookie
  • “She’s my mom and she’s my best friend and, yeah, she’s a little insane, but I like it.” – Rory
  • “He’s the devil, Rory. The devil plays guitar!” – Lane
  • “Runes of the world, beware! Lorelai Gilmore is on the loose and she’s got fashion sense!” – Lorelai
  • Tags: Gilmore Girls, Gilmore Girls Episode Recaps, Gilmore Girls season 1

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