6 Easy Ways To Boost Your Immune System

6 Easy Ways To Boost Your Immune System

If you’re looking to give your body a wellness boost to stay healthy in the colder months, don’t wait until the snow flies to do it. Pump up your immune system now.

In times of seasonal transition, our bodies require time to adapt to the changing environment. Boosting your immune system now will help manage seasonal stressors such as cooler air and fluctuating humidity levels. Let’s also remember we are in a time of increased exposure (back to school, Thanksgiving, and holiday season) so taking preventative measures helps reduce the likelihood of illness and keep you healthy when your work/life balance becomes overwhelming.

According to Ramandeep Sekhon from wellness brand Nature’s Sunshine, by prioritizing your immune support in the fall, you position yourself for sustained wellness throughout winter. “Stepping up your wellness regime can be simple and easily incorporated into your daily life,” Sekhon shares. “There are several practical and manageable steps you can take to elevate your routine.”

Read on to learn six effortless ways to prioritize your health and support your immune system.

Start With Small, Consistent Habits
Little things can have a big impact. Begin to make gradual changes in your daily selfcare like increasing your water intake, taking a daily multivitamin, or taking a short walk during your day. “When done consistently, these small actions build momentum and establish long-term healthy habits,” Sekhon says.

Focus On Nutrition
Prioritize a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Sekhon also suggests integrating immune-boosting foods like mushrooms, garlic and citrus fruits to enhance your nutritional intake.

Lean On Supplements
If you’re not able to consistently meet your nutritional needs through diet alone, supplements offer additional support. Immune-boosting supplements like vitamin C, zinc, or mushroom blends can be easily added to your daily intake. For maximum immune support Sekhon recommends taking turmeric, cat’s claw, collagen, and colostrum capsules, a supplement he believes to be an underrated secret wellness weapon. “Derived from a bovine source, colostrum contains immune factors and key immunoglobins that support the immune system,” he reports. And should you find yourself on the verge of a cold or flu, Sekhon recommends ramping up your supplements in the short-term to supercharge your immune system and lessen the impact of illness.

Engage in Mindful Movement
Regular movement supports overall health and supports your immune system. Sekhon reports incorporating brief moments of physical activity throughout your day like stretching, taking the stairs, or doing a quick workout. The key here is acting and doing something—it doesn’t have to be high intensity!

Manage Your Stress
This is what can be the tipping point between sickness and health. You are better equipped to fight off colds and flus when your stress levels are in check and your mindset is calm and clear. Sekhon says practicing simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation can significantly reduce stress and only take a few minutes of time daily to make an impact on your wellness.

Prioritize Quality Sleep
The quest for rest is a real one because sleep is the biggest wellness booster of all. It’s time to put down the devices, establish a consistent bedtime routine and create a relaxing environment conducive to a sweet, deep and restorative sleep.

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