Get a Head Start on Your Summer Body

It’s May, and the summer home stretch is right around the corner. Longer days give way to lots of reasons to stay in shape so that shedding the layers makes you feel great. If you’ve been slacking up until now with your impeccable diet, don’t fret, but start slow. Gradually incorporate these new eating habits so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, which can easily lead to failure. 

Hot weather means showing off, and there’s no need to feel intimidated if you incorporate the right eating habits right now. Small steps in your everyday choices go a long way to feeling happy and healthy for summer weather.

Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast
Everyone gets lazy (as in, we all love to sleep in) and the first thing to get the axe is your morning meal. Eating first thing ramps up your metabolism. Keep it up all day long by adding in frequent snacks that fuel your fire.

Swap something
So you’re on the breakfast bus – and your body is already thanking you with an extra boost of energy for your day. Now think about small ways to switch out some of your usual choices – say, that danish in the morning for a yogurt and piece of fruit, or a bowl of whole grain cereal. For later in the day, stick to water instead of sugary sodas, or switch your starchy side for a salad. Little things go a long way, and action now means results in the long term.

Don’t deprive yourself
Cutting out all of your favourite foods will make you miserable. Not to say that you should consume burgers and chocolate cake for five days straight, but don’t feel guilty if you treated yourself to dessert after dinner one night. You’re more likely to stick to the positive choices you’re making in your day-to-day eating if you allow yourself to enjoy the food you want to.

Plan starch
Eat your starches after your workout (within two hours). You’ll replenish your muscle store rather than turning starch into excess fat. Avoid starches in the few hours before you’re planning to go to bed.

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Tags: balanced eating, bikini body, Diet, diet breakfast, easy eating choices, eating habits, summer body

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