29 Things To Do Once You’ve Paid Off Your Student Loans

You guys, I did it. I paid off my student loans this week. That’s it”I’m officially out of student debt, something I’ve dreamt about since I graduated in 2011. I was lucky; I didn’t have to take out a student loan until after my third year, but debt is still debt and in this age, in the industry I’ve chosen to work in, saving money and repaying debt at the same time aren’t easy. But as of Wednesday, April 20 at 1:16 p.m., my student debt is officially GONE. To celebrate, here are 29 things I’m going to do with my money now that I don’t have debt repayment to worry about.

  1. Go shoppingclueless_shopping
  2. Contribute more to my monthly investments
  3. (Maybe) drop an extra chunk on my mortgage
  4. Go out for a nice dinner
  5. Save for a the just because trip I’ve never been on
  6. Go shopping
  7. Pay off my credit card
  8. Start that emergency fund everyone says you should have
  9. Save that money every month, but in cash
  10. Keep cash under my mattress like a mob boss
  11. When I save up enough money, make it rainmake it rain
  12. Revel in the fact that I have a little bit more money in my bank account every month
  13. Buy a pricey bottle of wine and drink it by myself in one night
  14. Put it towards retirement
  15. Save for another house
  16. Buy the fancy cheese
  17. (Probably) put an extra chunk on my mortgage
  18. Pay my phone bill that I went over this month
  19. Upgrade to premium cable
  20. Go for a massage
  21. Get a mani-pedi
  22. (Most likely) drop an extra chunk on my mortgage
  23. Put money aside for the taxes I’ll have to pay next year #freelancelife
  24. Buy a really fancy coffee from Starbucks and immediately regret it because a double espresso with no sugar is the only thing I likestarbucks
  25. Put that money towards my future childrens’ school funds
  26. Renovate my bathroom
  27. Buy new sheets”fancy 500-thread count ones
  28. Offer to get the bill at dinner (the whole thing)
  29. Who am I kidding? I’m going shopping

Tags: career, comcerns, debt repayment, debt-free, Kenneth Jay Lane, money, student debt, student loan

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