The 7 Most Common Argument Triggers for Couples

There are many common argument triggers that cause couples to fight, many of them centered around certain rooms in the house, and I don’t mean the bedroom. The kitchen, the bathroom, and any room where a television remote can be found are the main culprits. For ways to get over some common argument triggers, see below.

Socks on the floor or other laundry issues. Some guys are terrific about doing laundry, but many are not. They leave socks, underwear, wet towels, whatever, everywhere. You can only pick up so many dirty items of laundry before an argument erupts. How to get over this common argument trigger? Try putting laundry baskets or hampers in every room. Or, if you can stand it, stop picking up after him (he’ll eventually run out of underwear.)   

Toilet seat up. The age old argument trigger! Along with stubble, fingernail clippings, or toothpaste in the sink. Not replacing toilet paper, or leaving the cap off the toothpaste are other oldies but goodies that always lead to a fight. How to get over this common argument trigger? Talk about it. He may not even know he’s doing it. If the behavior continues, try leaving a large sign (PUT THIS SEAT DOWN.) And accept that some guys just can’t change their habits “ is it really worth an argument?

Money. Money is another huge common argument trigger for couples. Whether it’s who is spending how much, reckless spending, not enough spending, or unequal paychecks, money is often at the root of an argument. How to get over it? If spending habits are to blame, develop a budget. Unequal paychecks can be touchier “ if he has a problem with you earning more, talk it out. But don’t let this one fester.

The TV remote. Most women watch television shows “ whether it’s a favorite news channel, CSI, Desperate Housewives, whatever. Men don’t really watch anything. They just flick, flick, flick the channels. They watch multiple shows on multiple channels, which is surprising considering most studies say that men are terrible at multitasking.  Get over this common argument trigger by discussing ahead of time what the two of you are going to watch when. But leave him time to channel surf, as for some reason guys just really love to do this.

Taking out the trash. As well as dirty dishes left around the house “ plates on the coffee table, coffee cups in the bathroom. Or the inability to place a dirty dish in the dishwasher. Like most of the other common argument triggers, first try talking this common argument trigger out. These could be habits he’s not even aware of. Then give him time “ habits don’t change overnight. If all else fails, just accept it “ if you have to take out your own trash it’s not the end of the world.

PMS. Sorry, ladies, but it’s true. Things you are normally even tempered about seem to morph into your guy’s evil plot to destroy your world and make you insane. That deadly week of PMS can turn you from your sweet self into a woman ready to do battle at the slightest provocation (e.g. the toilet seat up, socks on the floor, blah, blah.) How to get over this common argument trigger? Realize when PMS might be taking control of your sanity and causing an argument, and take yourself out for a pedicure instead.

Drinking with his buddies. Whether you’re feeling neglected or just old-fashioned jealousy, a guy who regularly goes out drinking with his buddies will eventually trigger a fight with his girlfriend about it. Getting over this common argument trigger will require communication “ tell him what your problem is. Then figure out a way to handle it “ if you are feeling jealous over his time with the guys, realize he needs time with his friends. If you are feeling neglected, ask him to schedule more time with you.

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Tags: common argument triggers, common fight triggers, habits that cause fights, why couples argue

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  1. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Some woman have no respect for what a man goes through. Some men have no respect for what a woman goes through but when 1 is a lazy selfish pig, and the other is not be it either one they are going to have problems. In the end one of the 2 will make the decision to either put up with it or don’t put up with it. Time will tell but in my case I am at the end of my time and I am ready for a divorce because my wife is a lazy slob……
  2. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    OK! Here is my life in a nutshell……we both work 40 hours a week and both do all housework, garbage duty and laundry. He cooks more then me because i hate cooking but i clean the bathroom which he hate doing! I bribg the car for tires and oil changes, alignments and check ups while he does lawn mowing and shoveling. Over 10 years married and all is great! We pick up after ourselves and the toilt seat AND lid is always down! Who knew it does work!?! Oh, and I’ve had 5 jobs over 12 years always going for bigger and better…..and i always made more then him…..but he doesn’t care…’s still our money 50/50.
  3. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I also love how the scenario is that “she” makes more than “him” lol. Sure it happens, but not common, women are not a superior being, where did they get all this confidence and bitch their mouths off, time to shut them up again. Some useless feminist article this is.
  4. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I agree that this is a very offensive article. As if the female should not have to put up with all the shit that guys do. I also do the dishes, the laundry, make food, take out the garbage, and keep a clean place. I don’t need some bitch to lecture me about it. Sometimes they are they ones that need the lecture.
    Women are ALWAYS portrayed as innocent in distress ones and it is all bullshit, what they actually are is uptight and nothing is good enough for them. Not all, but since we are going for stereotypes then my statement remains true.
  5. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Not only is this article fairly offensive and littered with gender stereotypes, but the people who feel the need to comment on it are morons.
    Nobody cares about your life story. Dude with the wife who is a selfish slob- tell her to get off her ass or get a divorce. Lady who thinks men and women have clearly outlined, gender specific duties, pull your head out of your ass, and your ass out of the 15th century.
    Seriously people. It’s 2011. Read a book or something.
  6. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I feel really sad for the gentleman that lives in a home where everyone is so selfish.
    After someone has cooked, you can’t lend a hand even from time to time and do the dishes? and food is left on the table? These things will harbour cockroaches. I would never want my son to marry a women that didn’t have it within herself to be kind to my son and herself! and see to it that she assist in maintaining a clean organized home. Even if you are a career woman. Every woman I know is a careerwoman including myself and we all see to it that we participate in the mandatory upkeep of our home/sanctuary for that is what your home is! I believe a man should take out the garbage and do the outside duties, If he is a very fair and caring man and want to pitch in with laundry and cooking aswell that is very sweet. When a woman turns a blind eye to dirty dishes and food left on her kitchen counter and dining table that is slackness and it is nasty.
  7. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    As a guy, I find this article very offensive also.
    I’m married with a son (away at school now) and daughter. I don’t think any of them know what is garbage or what is recycled, it all goes in one can and keeps going into it and into and into. If I don’t empty it, my house would look like the next hoarders house. I make suppers as I get home first (not an issue). My wife is suppose to work until 5pm so I have it ready for 5:15 pm she doesn’t get home until 5:45 and complains why is supper cold. Once we eat they leave the table put the dishes in the sink and go do what they want. My wife goes straight to the computer until she goes to bed. The dishes don’t get done, the table doesn’t get cleaned off, and usually my daughter forgets to feed the pets. Any leftovers are left on the counter until morning (because I don’t think I should have to clean up after cooking for them). If it snows, since “it is a man’s job” I go out and clean the driveway with the snowblower, shovel the walkways etc. As the two woman are inside. If I see the laundry basket full I will put in a load of laundry, I will put it in the dryer but I will not fold th clothes if they are home. I do all the groceries shopping especially picking up milk when needed even though my wife leaves after me and would know if we need milk or not. She just some how forgets to pick it up, so if I want milk in my coffee in the morning I better go get some at 9pm at night. I put the garbage out everyweek, but if I’m away on business over garbage day, garbage doesn’t go out that week.
    So don’t badmouth the guys for not doing nothing, there are a lot of women out there that are pretty darn lazy in a relationship, and expect the guy to do everything. But everytime you see it in print, the guy leaves the toilet seat up, leaves dirty underwear/socks lying around. If I did that I would hear about it. But I can’t stand a dirty house. It’s my wife that leaves her dirty clothes lying around. She is the lazy one that you she be talking about.
    The female gender screwed up when then went for equality and the cake to.
    You’re pretty close to equality but when it comes to pulling your fair share of responsiblities in most areas of a relationship not even close. You want to be treated like a female but when we say take the car to the garage to get the oil changed, oh I can’t do that, I don’t really know what to ask for. I’m not sure what tires to put on. But you want the door opened for you.
    Please quit slamming the male gender as the female gender isn’t perfect.
  8. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Pretty offensive article.
    Women leave clothes on the floor, dishes and hair in the sink, hate taking out the trash and like to drink with friends too.
    Welcome to 2011.
  9. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Some woman have no respect for what a man goes through. Some men have no respect for what a woman goes through but when 1 is a lazy selfish pig, and the other is not be it either one they are going to have problems. In the end one of the 2 will make the decision to either put up with it or don’t put up with it. Time will tell but in my case I am at the end of my time and I am ready for a divorce because my wife is a lazy slob……
  10. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    OK! Here is my life in a nutshell……we both work 40 hours a week and both do all housework, garbage duty and laundry. He cooks more then me because i hate cooking but i clean the bathroom which he hate doing! I bribg the car for tires and oil changes, alignments and check ups while he does lawn mowing and shoveling. Over 10 years married and all is great! We pick up after ourselves and the toilt seat AND lid is always down! Who knew it does work!?! Oh, and I’ve had 5 jobs over 12 years always going for bigger and better…..and i always made more then him…..but he doesn’t care…’s still our money 50/50.
  11. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I also love how the scenario is that “she” makes more than “him” lol. Sure it happens, but not common, women are not a superior being, where did they get all this confidence and bitch their mouths off, time to shut them up again. Some useless feminist article this is.
  12. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I agree that this is a very offensive article. As if the female should not have to put up with all the shit that guys do. I also do the dishes, the laundry, make food, take out the garbage, and keep a clean place. I don’t need some bitch to lecture me about it. Sometimes they are they ones that need the lecture.
    Women are ALWAYS portrayed as innocent in distress ones and it is all bullshit, what they actually are is uptight and nothing is good enough for them. Not all, but since we are going for stereotypes then my statement remains true.
  13. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Not only is this article fairly offensive and littered with gender stereotypes, but the people who feel the need to comment on it are morons.
    Nobody cares about your life story. Dude with the wife who is a selfish slob- tell her to get off her ass or get a divorce. Lady who thinks men and women have clearly outlined, gender specific duties, pull your head out of your ass, and your ass out of the 15th century.
    Seriously people. It’s 2011. Read a book or something.
  14. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    I feel really sad for the gentleman that lives in a home where everyone is so selfish.
    After someone has cooked, you can’t lend a hand even from time to time and do the dishes? and food is left on the table? These things will harbour cockroaches. I would never want my son to marry a women that didn’t have it within herself to be kind to my son and herself! and see to it that she assist in maintaining a clean organized home. Even if you are a career woman. Every woman I know is a careerwoman including myself and we all see to it that we participate in the mandatory upkeep of our home/sanctuary for that is what your home is! I believe a man should take out the garbage and do the outside duties, If he is a very fair and caring man and want to pitch in with laundry and cooking aswell that is very sweet. When a woman turns a blind eye to dirty dishes and food left on her kitchen counter and dining table that is slackness and it is nasty.
  15. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    As a guy, I find this article very offensive also.
    I’m married with a son (away at school now) and daughter. I don’t think any of them know what is garbage or what is recycled, it all goes in one can and keeps going into it and into and into. If I don’t empty it, my house would look like the next hoarders house. I make suppers as I get home first (not an issue). My wife is suppose to work until 5pm so I have it ready for 5:15 pm she doesn’t get home until 5:45 and complains why is supper cold. Once we eat they leave the table put the dishes in the sink and go do what they want. My wife goes straight to the computer until she goes to bed. The dishes don’t get done, the table doesn’t get cleaned off, and usually my daughter forgets to feed the pets. Any leftovers are left on the counter until morning (because I don’t think I should have to clean up after cooking for them). If it snows, since “it is a man’s job” I go out and clean the driveway with the snowblower, shovel the walkways etc. As the two woman are inside. If I see the laundry basket full I will put in a load of laundry, I will put it in the dryer but I will not fold th clothes if they are home. I do all the groceries shopping especially picking up milk when needed even though my wife leaves after me and would know if we need milk or not. She just some how forgets to pick it up, so if I want milk in my coffee in the morning I better go get some at 9pm at night. I put the garbage out everyweek, but if I’m away on business over garbage day, garbage doesn’t go out that week.
    So don’t badmouth the guys for not doing nothing, there are a lot of women out there that are pretty darn lazy in a relationship, and expect the guy to do everything. But everytime you see it in print, the guy leaves the toilet seat up, leaves dirty underwear/socks lying around. If I did that I would hear about it. But I can’t stand a dirty house. It’s my wife that leaves her dirty clothes lying around. She is the lazy one that you she be talking about.
    The female gender screwed up when then went for equality and the cake to.
    You’re pretty close to equality but when it comes to pulling your fair share of responsiblities in most areas of a relationship not even close. You want to be treated like a female but when we say take the car to the garage to get the oil changed, oh I can’t do that, I don’t really know what to ask for. I’m not sure what tires to put on. But you want the door opened for you.
    Please quit slamming the male gender as the female gender isn’t perfect.
  16. Avatar
    • Anonymous
    • January 1, 1970
    Pretty offensive article.
    Women leave clothes on the floor, dishes and hair in the sink, hate taking out the trash and like to drink with friends too.
    Welcome to 2011.

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