Six Great Outdoor Date Ideas

As tempting as it is to turn the air conditioning on high and sit on the couch watching OnDemand until Fall, there is fun to be had in the blazing hot sun. Better yet, what better way to have a great date than to enjoy the company of your summer fling outdoors? Beyond picnicking and mini-golfing, your city has plenty of ways to stay occupied and enjoy the last half of the summer, often for free!

Fresh Fruit Picking
Any drive into the country roads will boast handmade signs for “pick your own fruit”. Blue, straw, raspberries a plenty! What a great way to spend time together; snacking, fruit fights if you’re bold, and ending up with the ultimate pick (each other, of course).

Volunteer Dog Walking
Research a local shelter where you can volunteer to take the up-for-adoption dogs out for a walk. Don’t be surprised if you leave with a new family member, or at least your Scout’s badge for community service.

Outdoor Movies
Free local newspapers will have listings of parks or squares where you can snuggle under the stars and watch a blockbuster. The Twilight Saga has never sounded so appealing.

Visit your Dollarama or a thrift store to find a simple croquet kit that you can set up at the park. Enjoy challenging eachother’s athleticism and see who can do a better British accent.

City Walk
It’s easy to find the coolest history in your city on Google. Make a list of a couple of old places and significant buildings that you’ve never been (or want to re-visit), and do an afternoon walk to check them out. Stop for a rest and a cup of iced coffee to stay cool.

Outdoor Markets
The ultimate treasure hunt. Whether there’s a purchase to be made, or just browsing the aisles full of unique, one-of-a-kind junk or jewellry, pretend you’re shopping for the best of the best in kitchy decor.


Tags: best dates, boyfriend, couple fun, first date, free date ideas, fun dates, outdoor activities, outdoor date ideas, summer date ideas, summer fun

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