Nurturing a Brand New Relationship Through the Holiday Season

The stress of the holidays doesn’t just affect people individually “ it can also put a lot of stress on couples. And if that couple is just starting out in a relationship, the stress of the holiday season might just tear them apart. Worried that all the holiday fun might spell the end of you and your guy? Try some of the tips below to nurture that brand new relationship right through the holidays and beyond.

Be choosy
Decide beforehand when and where the two of you will celebrate holidays as a couple, and on your own. If the relationship is brand new it might not be appropriate to bring him home to your parents and ask if the two of you can share your old bedroom. If Christmas Eve is a traditional night for immediate family for him, maybe you should go your separate ways that night. Talk about the holidays and what the expectations might be.  This will keep your brand new relationship from hitting a sour note during the holiday season.

Respect those choices
Once decisions regarding the holiday season have been made, respect them. Don’t try to nag him into doing something he has already said he doesn’t want to do, and if he tries this on you, call him on it. After all, one of the foundations of a relationship is respect. Foster this in your brand new relationship by not trying to revisit decisions that have already been made.

Be yourself
Don’t try to be enthusiastic about holiday choices that don’t matter to you.  And don’t expect the same from him. Another important aspect of a new relationship is to enjoy each other as is, not to put on a faé§ade that you can later whip off. If he is obsessed with having the best light display  in the neighborhood, or throwing the best New Year’s party of the season, or vice versa, enjoy each other’s differences rather than feigning an emotion that can turn to resentment.

Spend time apart
It’s important during the holiday season for the two of you, especially in a new relationship, to spend some time apart. Seeing family, friends, co-workers, etc. on your own can help you keep perspective about each other, and will help keep holiday stress from exploding in already tense moments. Plus, haven’t you heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Spend some time (alone) together
Don’t forget to schedule some alone time, too. During the hectic holiday season, with parties and get togethers and endless shopping, just being together can be left behind. Any relationship, but especially a brand new one, needs time for being a couple, without all the drinks and music and holiday lights. Whether it’s a quiet dinner alone, a walk in the park, or just a night in watching movies or television, be sure to squeeze in some alone time during the holiday season. This will give your brand new relationship a chance to flourish. 

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Tags: couple holiday stress, holiday stress, new couple holidays, new relationship holidays, Relationships, tips couples holiday

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