5 Signs You are Good in Bed

We can all get a little insecure sometimes. For example, how do you know if you're a good kisser… or better yet, good in bed? Sometimes being good in bed can be judged by body language and ‘sexual’ signals. So if you’re ever in doubt of your sexual prowess, here are five signs that you are probably good in bed!

1) You can dance: Dancing requires coordination and the way you move your body can often be an indicator of your movements in the bedroom.

2) You’re touchy feely: With your significant other, you like to flirt and you aren’t shy when you’re around them. Kissing, holding hands, and wanting to be near each other at all times, is a sure sign that you have physical chemistry together.

3) You are confident & comfortable with your body: Confidence in your actions and being comfortable in your own body is a big part of making your partner and yourself feel good. The more relaxed you are with your curves, the more likely you’re willing to take chances and to feel uninhibited in the bedroom. Also, being in good shape can also affect stamina, position and of course your own enjoyment.

4) You know what you like: Like most things, sex also requires practice and experience. Of course, this does not mean that numerous partners or sexual activities is directly proportionate to how good you are at it. But what does matter, is that you know what you like and from any experience, you are able to learn from it and know your own body well.

5) You are a good listener: You are a good listener and you pay attention to your partner. This listening can also translate in the bedroom when you respond to their signals – their facial reactions and satisfied sounds. 

Tags: good at sex, how do you know if you're good in bed, romance, sex, sex tips

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